Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Burhan reaffirms commitment to democratic transition, distances himself from Islamists

President al-Sisi welcomes al-Burhan in El Alamein, Egypt on August 29, 2023

President al-Sisi welcomes al-Burhan in El Alamein, Egypt on August 29, 2023

August 29, 2023 (KHARTOUM) – Speaking from Egypt, the leader of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, reiterated his dedication to the principles of democratic transition and the orderly transfer of authority to civilian hands. He also vehemently dismissed any notion of the military attempting to return power to the Islamists in Sudan.

In a span of less than a week since departing from Khartoum, Al-Burhan embarked on a journey to the Mediterranean city of El Alamein in Egypt on Tuesday, where he engaged in discussions with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

The official spokesperson for the Egyptian Presidency revealed that the meeting centred on assessing the situation within Sudan and delved into endeavours aimed at resolving the Sudanese crisis, all with the intention of safeguarding the sovereignty, unity, and cohesion of the Sudanese state.

Following the meeting, Al-Burhan, in a series of press statements, expressed his motive for visiting Egypt. He aimed to rectify misconceptions about the army’s stance and to update the Egyptian leadership on the prevailing situation and the most recent developments.

“We implore the global powers to perceive this conflict with accuracy and impartiality,” he underscored.

Al-Burhan pointed the finger at the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) for pursuing this conflict to seize power, stressing their willingness to commit grave atrocities in pursuit of this objective. He alluded to incidents of violence, looting, and the confiscation of civilian properties.

He then emphatically stated that the military harbored no ambitions to usurp power and govern the nation or to reinstate the Islamists to authority.

“We within the military are steadfast in our commitment to establish an authentic transitional phase, paving the way for the Sudanese people to shape their governance through open and equitable elections, allowing them to select their preferred leaders.”

“Similarly, baseless allegations have arisen, suggesting that the armed forces have evolved into enablers for past regimes and Islamist or extremist factions. This issue has now transformed into a scarecrow wielded by those aspiring to manipulate the Sudanese populace.

The Egyptian Republic’s Presidency confirmed that Al-Burhan welcomed the path being charted by Sudan’s neighbouring countries, expressing his support.

The military-led government in Sudan has reservations regarding Kenya’s leadership of the IGAD Quartet Group tasked with the resolution of the Sudanese conflict. Also, it rejects any African Union involvement in ending the hostilities.

Since the eruption of the armed conflict in Khartoum on April 15, 2023, Sudanese Islamists joined the Sudanese army in the fight against the RSF, saying the paramilitary force is implementing the agenda of a Gulf country.

In a related development, diplomatic sources disclosed to Sudan Tribune that Al-Burhan intends to extend his foreign visits, encompassing Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, and Qatar.

This journey to Egypt by the army commander comes after spending over four months within the precincts of the military’s general command headquarters.

