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Sudan Tribune

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More than 50,000 displaced as families run out of food supplies in Kadugli: agency

Sudanese refugees in Adré Chad on June 18, 2023 (Chadian presidency photo)

September 2, 2023 (KADUGLI) -Children and families living in near-siege conditions in Kadugli in Sudan’s South Kordofan State have run out of food supplies, Save the Children said on Friday.

Fighting escalated on 14 August, forcing over 50,000 people, including at least 30,000 children to be displaced across the town of Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan State. Roadblocks have created a siege-like situation, with food stocks in Kadugli town fully depleted, and attempts to bring in more supplies failing.

According to the children charity, many of the displaced families have fled with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Some of the families, it revealed in a statement, had only recently arrived in Kadugli having previously fled Khartoum, only to find themselves on the move for a second time.

The agency expressed concerned that the ongoing battle is already preventing essential aid supplies from entering the city.

An estimated 160,000 displaced people lived in Kadugli prior to the attacks, of whom about 100,000 needed humanitarian assistance even before the conflict, the children charity noted.

“Most of the movements in the town are of people fleeing the Hajr El Mak neighbourhood and going to the El Radaif neighbourhood. At present, many of the displaced families are now sheltering in schools,” said Dr. Arif Noor, Save The Children’s Country Director in Sudan.

“As fighting escalates, it is only going to become increasingly difficult for families to leave Kadugli, and for humanitarians to reach them. In many ways the town is under siege, as food stocks have totally run out and there is no way to replenish them. Those who remain and are injured will not get the medical treatment they need to survive. There is a very real risk that children will start dying from hunger”, he added.

Kadugli, the South Kordofan state capital, witnessed recent clashes last Wednesday between Sudanese Armed and the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army- North (SPLM-N).

The Save the Children Country Director called for urgent international intervention and their recognition of the magnitude of the Sudanese conflict and urged for the appropriate measures to be taken.

He expressed concerns over the escalating nature of the conflict, highlighting the inadequacy of the current international response,

At the moment, Dr. Noor said, “basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, medical supplies, and child protection support are desperately required”.

An estimated 4.8 million people have been displaced within and outside Sudan due to the ongoing conflict in the country, the United Nations said.
