Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport

June 30, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Another Sudanese cargo plane crashed near Khartoum Airport on Monday killing all four Russian crew members.

A plane (Ilyushin 76) chartered by a private company called Ababiel crashed near the airport in an empty area.

The plane crashed and the fire had already started while it was in the air, a witness said. While taking off the plane collided with an electricity pillar and crashed, he added.

The plane was flying from Khartoum to Juba.

Last Friday a cargo plane, An-12, crashed near the capital of Upper Nile state, Malakal, killing seven of the crew member.



  • Jayo

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport
    This drama is getting too much.
    Even an imbecile can smell that these plane crashes involve some inside jobs.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport

    Why is it that we always hear bad news of air crash day after day?. Dose it means our skies masters are not doing their jobs well or is it becouse of terrorism?.

    There is something wrong with Sudanese aviation these days. This is gating too much and it must be seen clearly otherwise Sudanese are going to finish themselves in this ugly way.

    Dear countrymen,

    Do you call this a curse???, it is not a curse, it is some thing that can just be solve by us, NOT GOD. It is NCP tactics. The tactice of lying to the citizens. Go back and see the others articles. Where are those maps?? How dare do you thinks God can be happy with us while our leaders like cheating God in front of every body??. Do you guys know that God can just curse if we don’t stop these cheating??.

    It was on last friday that we heard of air crash and here it is today? WHAT’S UP EXACTLY???. What are these evile harted arabs doing???. Terrorism??? I hope that is what is going on and we must watch this clearly.

  • Bolmany @artsch
    Bolmany @artsch

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport
    The news become a cronic at this point
    and one thing is;these recent two crashes were both flying to juba and did noyt make thier way through. I wonder why is that.

    I thinks there might be a policy with the crashes of flight to. therefore,you juba resident who use Sudan airway might be a target. how can a plane collide with eletricity staffs.
    please watchout!!!

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport
    You are at war with God!
    watch out.

    Ahmed Chol, the future commander of anya-nya III

  • Daniel Lee
    Daniel Lee

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport
    I have pondered on Sudan flying crafts safety (Sudanese or foreign owned) for long now. We the Southerners have suffered greatly and we have been down much too long. God must have conversed with our late hero Dr. John Garang since he arrived His Kingdom!

    The Sudanese owned flying coffins and that are being operated by the Arabs authorities are destined to destruction. The cargos being transported to our beloved land are being done so with bad intentions from the Arabs. We have sung for so long “We shall never surrender”. We will forever remain on attached to our land.

    The oil being manipulated by the Arabs can only bring death in every Arab home in that Northern part of the Sudan. They shall never enjoy the true fruit of our land. They can gang our natural resources but they can never rid the land of God given abundance of natural wealth. We have shad countless litres of blood but the Arabs will never break our will to defend our livelihood and belongingness to the land.

    May God bring down each and every plane that is filled by our petrol and to be sent to us loaded with goods intended to harm our people in anyway. May God bring down any plane abound any part of Sudan for it is in the deed of God that may the Arabs realise their dooms day is engulfing.

  • sudanson

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport
    Something is going on, there is terrorism going on , i am suspecting islamist security agents doing sabotage on this planes which are travelling to southsudan, how come two huge cargo planes flying to Juba are destroyed within one week? The ruling party Islamist agents think it is war materials being delivered to south after south announce new defence policy,NCP they have to pay russians back their money for damages of dead pilots, now more than 15 pilots dead within a week, what is this? this issues needs proper investigation, something abnormal is going on.

  • Allaman Ikoilaman
    Allaman Ikoilaman

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport

    What a hell is going on there my dear Sudanese?. These Russian’s Aircargos must be used by the Russians alone. This is just a ghost story to attend to.

    Take care the Ministry concern .

    Kamalong Changarr.

  • Wene_mangeth

    4 killed in new crash of cargo plane near Khartoum Airport
    What a fuckin accident is it? How long wills the Sudanese government depends on these inactive planes found of targeting lives of the Sudanese people?
    Hay! Guys the Ilyushin 76 plane has crashed and I therefore encourage my fellow South Sudanese to resent using such unconvinced planes hired to kill the Southerners as a plan in comparison to the two last concurrence accidents which had claimeth the lives of 29 people.
    Please avoid these flights better use the ferry and cars than to die in such a dam bribery Russian planes conned by the Khartoum Government.

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