Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave

June 30, 2008 (JUBA) — Vice President of southern Sudan government has pointed figures at the Ugandan army saying they are responsible of recent attacks in the border areas with Uganda. He further ordered the Ugandan troops who hunting the LRA rebels to leave the country.

A_Ugandan_soldier.jpgRiek Machar who is also the chief mediator of the Ugandan peace talks had last March innocented the Ugandan rebels from accusations of committing attacks against civilians in different part of the greater equatorial.

Speaking to the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, Machar said that according to the findings of a committee sent to investigate the attacks, the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) is to blame on recent attacks in Western Equatoria State.

“I sent the committee to go and investigate it. The rest of the evidence is there. Indeed, it didn’t turn out to be the LRA, but they were UPDF,” Machar told parliament in Juba.

According to documents presented to parliament, the ceasefire monitoring team attached to the Ugandan peace talks investigated an alleged LRA attack close to the Sudanese-Ugandan border in which a 31-year-old man was abducted.

They reported that about 30 gunmen raided a homestead at Nyongwa village on June 19, looted food and household goods and abducted Jino Moga Mandara.

The abductee was found dead three days later, apparently with a head injury and stab wound seemingly from a bayonet, three kilometres (two miles) away from the homestead on the route down which the attacker beat a retreat.

Machar told the lawmakers that his decision to expel the UPDF was intended to avoid past mistakes, adding Ugandan soldiers abducted and killed a South Sudanese man during anti-LRA operations this month.

“If there are any forces in Sudan that are UPDF, these should move back to Ugandan territory,” he told the SSLA..

In a letter sent to the chief Ugandan negotiator who is also Internal Affairs Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, Machar expressed concern about the responsibility of the Ugandan army for the attacks.

The West Equatoria citizens on June 10, organised a protest against the Ugandan rebels accsing them of committing attacks against the local populations. They further urged the southern Sudan government to take the necessary measures to protect the civilians.

However the U.S. assistant secretary of state for African affairs, Jendayi Frazer warned on the sideline of the African Union Summit that the Ugandan rebels are rearming and said LRA violence against Congolese civilians demanded a response. She also suggested that the United Nations should boost its peacekeeping force in Congo to contain or catch their fugitive leader Joseph Kony.

Two years of peace talks between Kampala and the LRA broke down in April prompting Uganda, Sudan and Congo to threaten a joint military offensive against the guerrillas, now based mostly in northeastern Congo.

However the Uganda’s military spokesman, Major Paddy Ankunda, told Reuters that his government had received no formal communication telling its soldiers to leave. He further said the LRA threat still exist in Southern Sudan.

Since 2002, Sudan allowed Ugandan forces up to 100km into southern Sudan to pursue LRA forces. The limit is near the town of Juba in southern Sudan.



  • Steve Paterno
    Steve Paterno

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    So, the UPDF can leave South Sudan and the LRA can stay, not surprising, given that it is coming from none other than Riek Machar. When we persistently say Riek Machar has personal interest in maintaining the murderous LRA in South Sudan people don’t believe it, but now it is Riek Machar who says it, what do you say?

    Steve Paterno

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    I don’t understand why should we have someone called Riek in South?,this guy called Riek and his brother Konyi has become a great HIV in Greater Equatoria and S.Sudan in general and this is going to bring a bad effects to our own people in Equatoria,Riek always keep defending his friend who enjoys killing people like what he did to Dinkas in 90s.why do SSLA always leaving this guy to deal with such issues meanwhile he was known as a man who works for his own interest,why can’t we just come to a single conclusion with Riek and this will give South a bright journey,if who lost Garang the father of SPLA/M why not such branches which doesn’t fit the society of New Sudan?.

    Oh my God What kind of Ugandan Soldier is this in the picture? Looks like a rebel of LRA and doesn’t really fit to be called a Ugandan Army, well in other hand I would like to warn those of Riek and his master Kiir to ensure that SPLA/M must take control of LRA in Sudan not those undisciplined soldiers from Uganda because this is very dangerous to our people, just to imagine logical in my view I believe that if those UPDF were left to fight with LRA in South for truth they will just shoot the civilians instead of their brothers LRA, so lets Mr Riek be aware about these. Every soldiers must be patrolling their own border not to fight in another country this is wrong and 100% stupid idea.Therefore like Riek is intending to support his friend by turning every single piece of problems to be blame on UPDF,i would say yes,but the truth is that he must ensure that his friends Konyi must not act in South which result to current present of UPDF in South and casuing alot of worst things.
    UPDf pack and go SPLA/M prepare to defend your area is my answer.

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    I agree with Paterno. It is a different political statement to expel UPDF in favor of LRA. Machar has already opposed SPLA when he rulled out the millitary offensive against LRA by Congo, Uganda and S. Sudan and it is for sure not supprising to hear him advancing. What is the view of the parliament?

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Fisrt reason!

  • Bior-Makech

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Ooooooh my God! do we have any controversy with UPDF or Southern Sudan is second Joseph Kony?
    I personally do n’t accept the statement of Mr vice president, how many times we have been suffering from LRA and it had been proved that all crimes against humanity caused by LRA.

    This issue needs clear and neat investigation, it also needs follow up from Ugandan President otherwise if it is true, it must be certain group trying to back up LRA.I must say South Sudan should stay with Uganda in good harmony.

  • Aniue James Bakondo
    Aniue James Bakondo

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    surely find out how he can say tgat the UPDF should live southern Sudan when he did not deploy any military force to any part did he deploy any some where or when our number redeuce he fill relax for that we mean he fully support LRA how can a Vice pr say such weak words in front of his people. let him fill like the victim of LRA and lets see if he will fill happy when inocent blood are on the ground for nothing when LRA is not for Sudan army but Ugandan army how they kill poor Sudanese who have just recently come out of war

  • Ring Majak Kout
    Ring Majak Kout

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    The threat of LRA is real to our young nation and the region as whole, ordering the most legitimate UPDF who can be held accountable for their action to leave southren sudan, it doesn’t reflect someone who concern a
    about country and it’s people.

    I urge Dr. Machar to reconsider his remark against our brothers in Uganda who stood with us during the time where there is no place for the people of south Sudan to hide or survive against the Arab aggressions, while in other hand LRA where enjoying killing our beloved one including rape,torture,abduction of young girls and boys. I don’t think thus atrocities could be forgotten that easily, LRA owe southern Sudan people an apology.

  • biarawieu

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Hi Mr Logic

    I have agree with you that its good if you have discover the diseases that we have been suffered for this long time. those guys whom you have mention are the serious HIV in the great Equatoria.

  • Mijocque

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Can you think before you comments

    Why are you guys so quick to agree with ISANE ILLOGIC KID and he just write whatever word he can pronounce.The first think you would do is to wait for investigations to be completed and comment later ,who knows the Vice President of GOSS may be correct because he can’t just issue that strong statement without a proper source/cause.
    Beyond that I think you forgot that former first Vice President of the Repulic of Sudan and President of GOSS Dr.John Garang died in MUSEVENI’s hand in an organized drama known as PLANE CRASH and you did believe that and still support UGANDA.Anyway a Dog never give up after a bone.
    Some Idiots talked of HIV/AIDS infection that’s your prostitution background who do you think can protect you? you went for exchange because of your love for cash & food if your allegations are true.

  • Wene_mangeth

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    the decision made by Hon. Riek has the previledges of intolerant among the LRA and the UPDF . the parties have the desire to killed the innocent south Sudan civilians better outwashed them all than to leave one party to strieve here in southern Sudan otherwise the conditions of these civilians will deteroriate.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Machar’s big mouth, No thing good can come out of it!.

    How dare can this so called vice president of our belove south Sudan vomited such words???. This added much doubt to his endless mediation of this peace.

    Dear southerners,

    Let’s Keeps our eye open becouse I can smell some thing from the big man wards. He had a master plans behind this mediation, that why he is delaying almost everything that is proposed for this peace he mediates.

    Be bless.

    Deng Akol Agu-tunduon, aman far away from tribalism.

  • Uncle Louish
    Uncle Louish

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    You lost the way!

    Dear Vice President,

    The truth is yet not spoken and time has gone out of reach that you can’t at this time resort to accusations that do not yield fruitful results for your efforts. Imagine you are chasing the UPDF on the propaganda that they were behind the attacks that led to the tragic death of our beloved Equatorians yet the LRA are still in the region. Isn’t this another mess that we have failed to see more over you are the chief Mediator between Ugandan Government and the LRA?

    I couldn’t imagine that you would miss mentioning the evacuation of LRA, in the first instance, from our region because they are known to have been the initial cause of many death cases among our people. Therefore, let’s not call for more deaths than what we have already experienced by telling the UPDF to go while withstanding the LRA. I mean it’s high time they found another venue for negotiating peace BUT NOT Southern Sudan.

    Peace to all Southerners!!

    Uncle Louish, the humble Gent.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    How can Riek agent Mr …… convince South Sudanese this time that our VP is not wrong? I assume he got the point and thats why he’s lying low. Thank you that is the patriotism our infant semi autonomous region needs, i’ve concluded beyond doubt that you love South Sudan more than Riek and that is good. Next time he says bullshit don’t abstain from the forum but instead you contribute and urge him to not push South Sudanese to the limit.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Hello Internet warriors,
    National Congress Party supporters,

    I know you are doing the interest of the National Congress Pary that wants the SPLA to go into war with the LRA to achieve their goal of creating instability in Greater Equatoria. But you will never succeed! The true compatriots of Southern Sudan will always lead the peaceful path in their strategies.

    Again, I read from a reliable source, and I should correct the writer that Dr. Riek Machar was not pointing fingers at the UPDF for attrocities in WEstern Equatoria but in Pageri in Eastern Equatoria where the UPDF masqueraded like LRA and killed our civilians.

    We should not condemn the LRA only when it comes to killing of our people, we should also condemn the UPDF that kills our people in the name of LRA. Like he condemned the LRA already, he should also condemn the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) who think that they got the opportunity to kill our people masquerading as LRA.

    So, in your cowardice calculations, you want to condemn the weak but spare the strong. It doesn’t work that way!

  • Ezibon Kenyi Morbe
    Ezibon Kenyi Morbe

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    I think regardless of the situation and conditions, there must be time for us south sudanese to tell Ugandans that it’s time to leave our territory no matter whether it is now or some times later.

    Ugandan war must be fought in Uganda, not south sudan. We cannot in any case entertain both armed groups in the south because it is obvious that when two elephants fight it is the grass to suffer, and we have lost many of our people in a cross fire between the two groups.

    Armed ugandans are now many in the bushes of south sudan and we don’t know what plans Museveni has about south sudan (recalling all the circumptances that surrounded the tragic death of lare Dr. Garang).

    So the two groups must leave but has to be dealt with one by one, and it is reasonable to start with the organized one because it is the government.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Caution Gatwech!!.

    Slow down brother, you are on the wrong direction!!!. Beleif me, Supporting your uncle Riek’s blinds angenda is not going to works come what!.

    You better fill your ears before emptying your mouth for you to be considered a wise man.

    The above guys who commanted here are not internet warriors as you said, they are the true “sun” of junub al Sudan. The did not one time jointed NCP,nor will they one day support it as you mention them as NCP suppoters.

    Be visionary like uncle Louish, Bair again, majak-da, logic boy, wise boy, Juach D juach and of course Deng Akol Agut-tunduon and many others.

    Be bless,
    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, aman far away from tribalism.

  • Allaman Ikoilaman
    Allaman Ikoilaman

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    Dear Southerners,

    It is in fact oblivious to hear Dr. Machar pronouncing the UPDF to leave south Sudan while LRA, are to remain no matter atrocities they have caused to southerners. More informed people of south Sudan, should now draw conclussions from several statements aired by Machar to defend LRA’s killing of our people.

    Last year, Machar even condemned SPLA, to be behind the killings of the population in WES, while people prooved beyond doubt that LRA are those concerned. So, when some writers analysed his speech against his soldiers, internet men battled here and there. Machar can’t blame LRA, for their fugutive acts, for the reasons he knows.

    From there, Riek continued with his drama of the peace talks with his friend Kony, while calculating the minds of our President in the South and Ugandan Leader. Nothing came out of the peace talks in April when Kony refused to turn up for the last phase as Dr. Machar said.

    Last Month, Riek again informed Kony to calm down, and be ready for another round table talk for peace. People can question, which talks again?.

    30 th, Riek ordered legitimate UPDF, to leave south leaving the illigitimates. What do you southerners say?.

    Think of this drama.

    Kamalong Changar.

  • sudanson

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    You Junubin you have to grow up and understand the interest of your country. We do not want both LRA and UPDF in South Sudan, both this criminals have killed innocent civilians in South Sudan, i would urge the SSLA to submit the evidence to the presidency and action should be taken by the ICC, its time to get serious with the UPDF, they kill people and children and abduct them and say it is the LRA, UPDF have to understand we do not need them or do we need the LRA. Lt me come back to our Sudanese people, please instead of urgueing about Vice president please be responsible and observe/analyse the evidences and trend of events and use your intelligence to come to conclusion. It is clear UPDF is behind attacks and kidnapping in South Sudan, it has been well known to Sudanese but real investigationa nd evidence was needed to prove it to the world, now we have the evidence, UPDF has been trying hard to kill civilians in Sudan so to turn opinion against the LRA nd force Sudanese to be hostile and fight eachother with LRA, ok now we have peace talks, why is UPDF still killing civilians in the name of LRA, ICC ave to examine all evidence and put both UPDF and LRA on International criminal court blacklist otherwise ICC credability on issues of peace and justice will cast shadow on its legal obligations and activities. Now both LRA and UPDF have to be brought to the Hague Court because both have killed civilians int heir own country and in foreign countries.Steve paterno you claim to be an intelligence analyst but all your posts and response show you really lack alot of iteeligence skills and analytical capability, what wisdom have you got if you can even decide on wether both UPDF and LRA should leave Sudan, UPDF have killed people in your area of E.Equatoria and claim it was LRA, they have killed people in western Equatoria and now central Equatoria, they have been behind the killing of northern businessmen and other criminal activities in South Sudan, is this what you epect from a country we Sudanese call sisterly country? Sudan gave Uganda permission to come to Sudan that was before the CPA, that agreement is invalid now because South Sudan has a new autonamous government and its own authority, UPDF can oly be in Sudan with permission from SSLA and GOSS leadership, they haver to leave South Sudan immediately if the insist or prepare themselves for unknown hostilities between the two countries.We cannot trust Uganda government,look at their record in Congo and in Ruwanda, they looted bo countries and have been convcited by UN for committing human right crimes in those countries, look what they did to north Uganda, and now they moved to South Sudan,Uganda government they are money lovers and the president is a dictator for 20years now ruling Uganda,he Museveni needs to go like Mugabe,all this african dictators need to go, Uganda needs Democracy not dictatorship which cannot solve its own problems.We Sudanese are just defendinf the dignity and territorial integrity of Sudan in the South which has been violated by the UPDF and LRA criminal forces, Sudan army can handle Ugandan army easily in any way and form, we have the brave men and we have the resource and money,we can deal with them anyway they want it, let them choose.

  • sudanson

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    I would also urge the president , SSLA and security leaders to pass new strategy to comb this people in our territory,secutiry and intelligence service to be givent he green light ti check all this people and expelled unneeded ones, starting from Juba because they pose a danger to the Southern leadership and institutions security and well being, Ugandans in South Sudan have to blame their government if anything happens, Ugandan are our brothers but the actions of their irresponsible government is goin to cast shadow on this relationship.

  • James gatluak Leu
    James gatluak Leu

    South Sudan says Ugandan behind attacks on civilians, orders them to leave
    I would like thank Dr.Riek for his insisting of Uganda peach though some people are not happy for what he is doing.Therefore you should continuous with your activities of mediating peach.
    Iam encouraging Dr.Riek being a mediating is not an easy job,it will make you famous and as well for the future of South Sudanese.

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