Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Discontinue Machar’s parallelism in Sudan’s politics

By Ayup Junup Guer

July 1, 2008 — There have been hopes that Sudan’s Marcher will contribute much in development and total liberation of Southern Sudanese due to the believe that he is a strong national figure who has learnt from his past mistakes. He was thought to have also learnt from his many agreements he forged with the harsh Moslem ruling party, which did not guarantee a full meaning and commitment. Unfortunately, all these hopes are turning in to ruins and pessimisms. Machar in whom people forged hope maintains his position of a confusing agent.

The Southern Sudanese honored Dr. Riek Machar disagreed to the military offensive against the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) rebels by the three countries; Southern Sudan, Congo and Uganda. As the vice president of the semi-autonomous nation of Southern Sudan, Machar had right and powers to restructure the decision made by SPLA as a military component of Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) before its exportation. However, due to his parallelism, he forewent the decision and later stabbed the SPLM from the back for the second time by criticizing its military wing SPLA as if he is not part of the party ruling Southern Sudan.

Machar made a fake research similar to the agreements he forged with the shameless ruling National Congress Party (NCP) based in Northern Sudan. He claims to defend his position by making a bogus research in to the attacks on greater Equatoria by LRA rebels. I consider Machar’s confirmation of Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF)’s soldiers as responsible for attacks in Equatoria to be an ambiguous political statement meant to pollute Southern Sudan’s economic and political relationship with Uganda. Machar is throwing away his expected turning point in to a drum of wine which he will drink with NCP politicians..

For many years, LRA rebels leave their main objective for rebelling against the Ugandan government and with out their denial attack innocent Sudanese in greater Equatoria yet it is not part of Uganda. In the process, they loot and rape civilians but short sighted Machar Teny had last March defended the Ugandan rebels from accusations of committing attacks against civilians in different parts of the greater Equatoria. What a big mess was this to defend people who do not bother defending themselves? Southern Sudanese should be vigilant because Machar is becoming a human pest to their security. NCP had been accused for supporting LRA rebels to attack Southerners over the war period though they denied. By turning out to defend the open attacks of LRA rebels, Machar has mentally gone back to NCP but what is remaining in SPLM is his body.

The fact is that Machar is a long time friend to Joseph Kony since their plan with Lam Akol to over throw late Dr. John Garang de Mabior from SPLA’ s command in 1991. Machar wanted to grab Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement (SPLA/M)’s leadership while Joseph Kony takes over presidency in Uganda, which was an abnormal vision for them to achieve. With the situation of his friend in coma, Machar wants to device means from nowhere to safe Joseph Kony by creating unnecessary allegations which cannot be imagined by reasonable people. What does UPDF’s soldiers want in killing Southern Sudanese? If fighting is becoming a desire, do UPDF lack whom to fight while they have LRA rebels?

The truth is that, Southern Sudan is not a battlefield where any one can dispose his war from his own country. UPDF’s soldiers should not fight LRA in the Sudan but they should not be ordered to leave in favor of LRA rebels! What is the interest of keeping LRA rebels in Southern Sudan? When Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was negotiated in Kenya, in whose country did SPLA’s soldiers pass their time? Did SPLA’s soldiers go to Kenya? Nevertheless, I have not heard of Machar condemning residence of LRA rebels in Sudan while negotiating peace because it is unbecoming to pretend to negotiate peace and fear for attacks, what will be the meaning of that peace?

After their failed coup attempt against late Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Machar later came back to repent to Garang as if he was off-minded. All he is doing at present are of no single need and determination other than his dire quest for power, which, according to his plan is through disorganization of SPLM/A so that his dead party resurrects to claim power. What is special with position of no service as Machar wants? Why does Machar like repenting to human beings like him instead of God?

A big question goes to the parliament of Southern Sudan. It endorses Machar’s bills with concern and interest. Does the parliament have another motive different from liberation and development of Southern Sudan or is it taken up by corruption? Even the ear becomes insensitive to a ticking clock when one stays for relatively long time in the room but GoSS parliamtarians work as if they are blind, when will they open their eyes and how can they defend Southern interests against the hands of the harsh and cunning NCP politicians?

In 1991, Machar turned the ugly barrels of his guns to Southern Sudanese killing a lot of innocent lives while claiming that SPLM/A was dictatorial and was not observing human rights. He said he would be democratic and maintain human rights, which he instantaneously violated before him confirming his failure. Many children were posted on tethering posts and suffering as well as other related effects was uncountable. This weakened SPLA/M since NCP troops moved free in his territories looking for SPLA soldiers. Many key towns were eventually repossessed by NCP following Machar’s crude decision.

Having seen how Machar is trying to confuse international understanding and good neighborhood of Southern Sudan in conjunction with his mess of no destination in 1991, it is clear that the future of Southern Sudanese will remain doom until he “becomes old and retire in politics”. Let him not be kept in that position for pride and convenience knowing that at any time he will repeat his atrocities of 1991.

The writer is a researcher on Biochemistry human psychology in Canada. He can be reached at [email protected].

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