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Sudan Tribune

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Ugandan army implicated in southern Sudan atrocities – official report

By James Gatdet Dak

July 3, 2008 (JUBA) – International observers collected evidence proving the implication of Ugandan army in atrocities committed in Southern Sudan, says a confidential report obtained by Sudan Tribune.

Soldiers_from_the_UPDF.jpgA three-page verification report distributed during the deliberations of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly on Tuesday, implicates the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) of the recent incident at Pageri Payam in Eastern Equatoria state which left one person dead.

On Saturday, June 14, 2008, an armed group of about 30 men raided one homestead at Nyongwa village, killing a man called Jino Moga Mandara after abducting him and looting food stuff and other household goods.

The verification exercise was carried out by the Cessation of Hostilities Monitoring Team (CHMT) with membership of military officers from a number of African countries that include Republic of South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Uganda, Southern Sudan and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

The CHMT was established in accordance with the agreement signed by the Uganda government and the LRA to monitor any violations of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed by the two parties in Juba two years ago on August 26, 2006.

The Team is led by a SPLA senior military officer, Major General Wilson Deng Kuoirot.

The CHMT earlier carried out investigations into the deadly attack on Nabanga Payam in Western Equatoria state in which the report submitted to the Chief Mediator accused the LRA of that incident.

In the verification report submitted to office of the Chief Mediator, the CHMT observed that evidences of materials found at the scene where the body of the killed person was found implicate the UPDF masquerading as LRA.

A document was also found near the dead person with names of suspected UPDF soldiers indicating “Section II, Platoon I, ‘A’ Coy”, with full names and military ranks including army numbers.

The document’s source seems to have been obtained from a health center where the soldiers conducted a medical checkup, probably in Uganda.

The CHMT Leader recommends that a further investigation be carried out to identify the culprits and apprehend them. He also cited the need for cooperation and coordination of activities between the SPLA and UPDF.

Below is the full Verification Report of the CHMT, with the exception of the suspected UPDF names, which should not be published.




Cessation of Hostilities Monitoring Team (CHMT)

Reference: CHMT/OPS/CE-2/06/08
Date: 22nd June 2008



Your Excellency,

The CHMT conducted verification of an alleged armed group activities in the area mentioned above. The team left Juba on 19th June 2008 and returned on the following day.

Following the verification mission, the CHMT obtained the following information:

a. On Saturday 14th June 2008, at about 7:00 p.m, an armed group of about 30 men raided one homestead with 5 houses at Nyongwa Village. They looted food stuff and household goods and abducted 1 man called Jino Moga Mandara (31 years old), who was found 3 days later killed some 3 kilometers away from his home, which was on the route of the attackers’ withdrawal.

b. The relatives of the late Mandara reported that at the scene, the dead body was positively identified by them and was in a bad state of decomposition with an injury on the head and a stab on the back (presumed from a bayonet). Also 2 bags was found containing green military uniforms, one pair of military boots, 2 ponchos, 3 caps, and some documents. The other bag contained 2 small saucepans, 2 plastic plates, some uncooked dry beans and a small quantity of cooking oil. These items were handed through the Pageri Police Post to the SPLA Detachment at Loa.

c. The empty cans of tinned beans and empty biscuit packets that were eaten by the attackers were found at the scene where the dead body of Mandara was found.

d. The team visited the SPLA Detachment at Loa. The commander Major Marin Kur Akot told us that the bags containing above mentioned items have been taken to 7 Brigade HQ, Mapao in Juba. He ascertained that the items in the bag implicate the UPDF.


Following this verification, the team observes the following:

a. There was an attack at Nyongwa village, Pageri Payam on Saturday 14th June 2008, at 19:00 hours.

b. Jino Moga Mandara was killed after abduction.

c. Food stuff and household items were taken away from the family that had just returned from refuge in Uganda.

d. The empty cans of tinned beans and the empty biscuits packets that were eaten by the attackers were shown and handed over to the team. The cans have manufacture marks from Republic of South Africa.

e. The military bag (pack) and all its contents were availed to the team for verification. Also a small bag carrying cooking utensils and raw beans was handed to the Team.

f. The bag and the related items are suspected to belong to UPDF.

g. There is no serious security threat at Pageri Payam and its Bomas, except the incident on 14th June 2008.


The CHMT recommends the following:

a. There is need for further investigation to be conducted to identify and apprehend the culprits.

b. There is a need for SPLA and UPDF to co-ordinate and co-operate in all activities within their areas of responsibilities.


Maj Gen Wilson Deng Kuoirot,
CHMT – Leader

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