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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese civil forces meetings to commence in Addis Ababa

Abdallah Hamdok with FFC and civil society representatives meet on Saturday October 21, 2.023

Abdallah Hamdok with FFC and civil society representatives meet on Saturday October 21, 2023

October 22, 2023 (ADDIS ABABA) – The meetings of the Civil Front to Halt the War and Restore Democracy in Sudan are set to kick off in Addis Ababa on Monday, which is a change from the initially scheduled start date of Saturday.

On Saturday, the anti-war factions announced the delay of the preparatory sessions for the Civil Front, shifting the beginning of the meetings to Monday. This decision was made in response to a request from former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, granting him additional time to conclude consultations with the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu and the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Nur (SLM-AW) for their inclusion in the front.

Al-Tayeb Malkabi, a member of the preparatory committee for the Civil Front informed Sudan Tribune that the SLM-AW expressed appreciation for the efforts to unite civil forces and is deliberating on the matter of joining following internal consultations.

Malkabi further revealed that the joint committee had endorsed the agenda for the preparatory meeting and the procedural rules for its management, with Hamdok as the head.

Sources who spoke with Sudan Tribune mentioned some disagreements concerning participant lists, coordination challenges, and attempts to include additional representatives or groups. However, Malkabi denied any disputes about the lists, which had been approved five days prior. He also confirmed that the absentee rate did not exceed 2% of the 90 participants.

Malkabi emphasized that civil society forces make up no more than 20% of the meeting’s membership, while the representation of political parties and armed movements comprises only 13 individuals out of the total 90 participants.

Certain civil groups opposing the coalition are attempting to question the legitimacy of the front, asserting that it is merely a façade for the Forces for Freedom and Change.

It is important to note that this comprehensive anti-war coalition includes both political, professional and civil society groups Nonetheless, some resistance committee groups reject any political process that leads to involve the participation of the Rapid Support Forces.
