Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

China worried by ICC accusations against Sudan president

July 15, 2008 (BEIJING) — China today expressed concern about the accusations of genocide and war crimes by the ICC prosecutor against the Sudanese president yesterday, the Chinese foreign ministry said.

ICC Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo accused Bashir of running a campaign of genocide that has killed 35,000 people outright, at least another 100,000 through a “slow death” and forced 2.5 million to flee their homes in Sudan’s western region.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao expressed “serious concern and worry” about the request by Occampo to the ICC judges to issue an arrest warrant against al Bashir. He further called on parties concerned to take a prudent attitude, and properly settle divergences through consultation.

“ICC’s relevant move should help the stability of Sudan and the proper settlement of the Darfur issue, instead of the other way round,” Liu said.

China would continue to consult with other members of the U.N. Security Council about whether to block the International Criminal Court from issuing the arrest warrant, but said he “cannot speculate” what the results of the talks will be, Liu said.

China had carried out consultations with relevant sides within the United Nations Security Council, and hoped parties concerned could reach consensus on the Sudan matter, Liu added.

If the ICC judges accept Moreno-Ocampo’s recommendations, a warrant for Bashir could be expected in October or November. It would be the first against a sitting president.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    China worried by ICC accusations against Sudan president
    China go to hell

  • Ruai Malual Jal
    Ruai Malual Jal

    China worried by ICC accusations against Sudan president

    I know you Chinese you really support the killing of civilian in Darfur by Bashir’s government, that is why they don’t want omer to be taken to international criminal court.

    please Chinese the more you support Bashir the more you will face difficulties in the south Sudan.
    i can appeal to people of south Sudan to kill any Chinese who is working in the south Sudan, especially those who are working in the oil company in Unity state.

    they kill the people of Unity state with Khartoum government during the oil exploration in 1998-2004.

    please UN Security council do not accept the Chinese political influence.

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    China worried by ICC accusations against Sudan president
    I thinks is better for chinese to respect their position since they have hand in genocide over Darfur crisis in other hand NO compromise NO more using Sudan resource since their terrorist man soon going to hell!

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