Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions

July 15, 2008 (WASHINGTON) – The US president George Bush threatened the Sudanese government with more sanctions if he does not facilitate the deployment of peacekeepers and flow of aid in Darfur.

U.S. President George W. Bush holds a press conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House July 15, 2008 in Washington, DC (AFP)
U.S. President George W. Bush holds a press conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House July 15, 2008 in Washington, DC (AFP)
“We’re trying to work with Bashir to make sure he understands that there will be continued sanctions if he doesn’t move forward” Bush told reporters at a press conference in the White House today.

The US president refused to comment on the request submitted by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to the judges for issuance of arrest warrant against the Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir on Monday.

“We’re not a member of the ICC, so we’ll see how that plays out” the US president said.

The ICC’s prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo asked pre-trial judges on Monday to issue arrest warrants for Sudan’s head of state.

Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. Judges are expected to take months to study the evidence before deciding whether to order Al-Bashir’s arrest.

Bush said that the US wants to maintain a North South peace agreement and see full deployment of the long due African Union – United Nations troops in Darfur.

He also voiced frustration with the slow peacekeepers deployment.

“There’s the same sense of consternation and the same sense of frustration that things haven’t moved quicker. I talked to Ban Ki-moon about the issue and he told me — I think he told me that by the end of this year a full complement of AU troops will be there” Bush said

“Then the question is, will the government help expedite the delivery of humanitarian aid?” he added.

Bush met privately with his special envoy to Sudan yesterday for the first time since he returned from Khartoum last month.

The meeting was closed to the press but the White House spokesperson Dana Perino told reporters that Bush and Williamson discussed the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the North and South.

The deal also does not cover a separate conflict in the western region of Darfur, where tens of thousands of people have been killed and hundreds of thousands driven from their homes since rebels took up arms in early 2003.



  • Wene_mangeth

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions
    What a sanction? The Sudan president Omar Al Bashir will pay debt ears to what it means by giving sanctions. This is the fourth times for the US to oppose sanction against the state which doesn’t work. The sanction will not retrieve those killed in Darfur and the war launch to Darfurian tribes by Al Bashir will still escalate, better take Action US than to oppose your long sanctions which cannot help because Sudan is using the principle of better Die than to Starve.

    Please be carious !! By BIG CHAMBEREDMAN

  • joseph Deng De-Mabior
    joseph Deng De-Mabior

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions
    The US president George W. Bush threatened sudan government with more sanctions ,dear Bush sanctioning is not the only soluation to Bashir , sanctioning involving entire community who are not involved in war crime, the Darfur sickness,death and casualties is being known as on the kneck of bashir and his friends ,infact the ICC has right to prosecute Bashir and his Memmbers of crime ,instead of sanctioning the government of sudan ,why don,t you sanction Bashir and his criminal friends i guest two to three people shouldn,t spoil sudan inlarge itis like removing two to three grasses from the roof ,still there will no leakages to that roof,the roof will remain strong and concrete.


  • William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia
    William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions
    The brave man, president of Unite State, George W Bush is the strongers man in the world, because of him, the peace came to sudan, Arabs are afread of him.
    Egyption president ask USA presiden in 2002 during peace talk in Nairobi, that let US not to pressure Sudan, because he is concerne Sudan, not to let South Sudan be sepreated. but Mr Bush said no one responsible, only the people of South, if they seeks sepreation is thire right.

    The world as change, and the people who under regime will never for get that.
    Threaten with threaten, and arms with arms, but who will win? the supporters of the regime will answer.

    Before lat president of Egypt, Jamal Abdel-Nasir, all league of Arab had meeting in Cairo and they agreed that, black people in South Sudan need to be sweep out, and the land of South and all resouces will be Arabs beloning, but as I said the truths is truths and Long live to the people of South who opened the eyes of Darfuria,the president of Egyption died suddenly thesame day of league, after they make decision. At last they failed.

    The words sweeps,not accepted by God creation, so the people of Darfur were cheated to accept Islam, but when they strongly stand up for thire right, they have been joncide by those who said they are good muslims.

    If the problem of Darfur was like South Sudan, the regime were able to say, because they are christian, but Darfurian now knows that time of cheatting is over, and the black man will become prsident of Sudan,because they are owner of the land.

  • Samani

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions
    You fools are probably the only people that would agree with Bush, why not if your IQ’s are as low as his. This is all a political game, East Vs West, West vs Islam, and of course in the middles of all this are you lame puppets of the US. Your so use to people telling you what to do, you forgot you have a mind of your own to use !

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions

    Oh! Bush the US president, imposing sanction on sudan cannot work out and that was not the solution for Bashir to resolve the conflict in region ,by doinng that actully the living condition in entirely country will be worse then genicode that Bashir is committing in the egion.

    Moreover, you are talking of the Peace between North and south Bashir has to settle it ,and that can work only Darfur conflict has been reslove too.Otherwise Bashir’s pay deaf ear for your sanction and got nothing to do with Darfur issue .

    Nontheless, Mr Ocampo has to issue the war warrant arrest for the Sudanese president non is above the every thing enough is enough let Bashir follow Saddam in heaven!

  • Tong Lual Ayat
    Tong Lual Ayat

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions
    I was upset and disappointed to read that US President George W Bush has threatening Sudan with more sanctions. At this critical sitaution, sanction is not the solution for Sudan problems, but both presidents should site down and discuss the issues amicablely.

    Sanction shall distroy Sudanese society standard of living and creating 60% of umemployment making them to be the poorest society in the world because of the economy failure, which shall be created by the sanction.Therefore, We Sudanese coommunity have strongly opposed the idea of economy restrictions, but discussing the issues on the table is the option

    By Tong Lual Ayat

  • Anyang Ngong Ayuen
    Anyang Ngong Ayuen

    US president threatens Sudan with more sanctions
    Dear Colleagues,
    I want to reckon on the various persons that have commended on the ICC’s decision, but wants to all call upon individuals to consider the inside perspective of the MATTER…
    Anyway the recent development in the history of sudan has raisen eye brows and calls for facts finding which will not only come by itself but through different perspectives of the agenda.
    I first would take the stand of the ICC and its main architect the lead Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo who has brave it to call a spade a spade.
    The various counts that Bashir has been named in such as the 10 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and some other violations of human rights can all be applauded and nodded.
    Honestly….the move is tiring and carries alot of consequences both to the Sudan and the Region but main the Southern Sudan and this means looking at instant circumstances such as the 2009 Elections, the 2011 ref and the CPA as a document that covers 6 protocols.
    Although i have a feeling that…..the ICC in support of other ghosts such as the USA, European communities and especially countries like Japan have a provision that wil follow this decision.
    Lets also note that……the ICC decision cant take effect unless the arrest warrant is issued and this might take a couple of months…..So in short, by the time a warrant will be issued Sudan will be at its peak of Political transformation which might see other stakeholders in the Sudan object to that idea, Southern Sudan will lead that faction, followed by other interested groups.
    So bros and sisters in the nation building, one of the analyst was asking who will bell the CAT? This is another very fundamental issue here which will not only happen by itself but through a well founded drive.
    If we look at the Saddamsss of Iraq, the Charles Taylorsssss of Liberia, it took USA a hand to execute the ICCs warrants. If you might have witnessed President Bushs statement on the ICC’s decision when he said that the ICC is an independent body and USA has no links with it,so its decision is entitled to them, then you will have a reason to believe that …NO ONE WILL BELL THE CAT( BASHIR).
    The US Governments is fighting a greater war on the other side, the era of technology is driving us to the pro-3rd WORLD WAR, and this is being agitated by countries such as IRAN, KOREA etc
    With all this in mind i doubt the effectiveness of the Luis Moreno-Ocampo decision.
    Otherwise that is my side of the story….i encouraged ICC to take it to another level…with all the worries we should also consider that the International Community is not sleeping., they should have catered for the grass that will suffer by the end of the day,
    Thanks to all,

    (the writer is a law student at Kampala International University and can always be reached on [email protected])

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