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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Why Arab League plan to freeze Sudan president indictment will fail

By Wasil Ali*

July 20, 2008 — News reports have indicated that the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa will travel to Khartoum and offer the government a plan to have Sudanese courts prosecute Darfur war crimes suspects in return for freezing indictment of president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir.

The plan supposedly would set up special courts that would look into Darfur crimes and therefore this would halt the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC). According to the Rome Statue the ICC will not look into cases that have been reviewed by the local judiciary as long as they were genuine. In fact the Rome Statue encourages national courts to take the leading role on the matter.

But this concept of complementarity in ICC statue has been widely misunderstood by many people including the so called legal experts who filled Arab talk shows over the past week. The impression they gave to the audience is that if Sudanese courts were to look into any cases of Darfur war crimes then ICC will automatically lose jurisdiction.

First of all in order to invoke a challenge to the admissibility of a case based on complementarity, Sudan must challenge it before the ICC judges. By doing so, Sudan will have in effect accepted the jurisdiction of the world court. Thus if the ICC rejected the challenge to its jurisdiction submitted by Khartoum, the Sudanese government cannot go back to claim that it does not recognize the ICC. This will only make matters worse for Khartoum.

Second, how can Sudan try war criminals when its laws do not contain any provisions for war crimes or crimes against humanity? This in itself is a poison pill and will make it hard for ICC judges to buy any national proceedings inside Sudan. Also the immunity bestowed by Sudanese laws on military commanders and government officials is another obstacle.

Even if we assumed that the war crimes were incorporated in Sudanese laws then the government must try the same suspects named by ICC for the same crimes allegedly committed by them. Anything short of that will cause the ICC judges to immediately dismiss a challenge to its jurisdiction. I also find it hard to imagine that Khartoum will be willing to prosecute its own officials for crimes of this magnitude. It only means that the Sudanese government is incriminating itself.

Moreover, if a special court is indeed created in an African country, who will be willing to pay its expenses? I highly doubt that it will be the Arab countries given their reluctance to pay for African troops in Darfur all these years. The regional court proposal was submitted by Nigeria prior to the referral by the UN Security Council (UNSC) of the Darfur case to the ICC and even Sudan rejected it. Many countries thought it would be a waste of money to create a special court while a permanent court already exists.

On the other side the victims and the witnesses must have a say on the venue of the trials. They will most likely reject anything but the ICC. Obviously their safety cannot be guaranteed in Sudan or any other African countries for which they have little trust in.

The Arab League should have simply asked Al-Bashir to hand over Haroun and Kushayb to the ICC. This is the only viable solution if I was in Amr Moussa’s place. Sudan had a whole year to try the two suspects but instead ignored the ICC and Al-Bashir stressed that he will not bring Haroun before court or remove him. “We don’t know how far up the ICC prosecutor will go” Al-Bashir was quoted as saying in response to a question on trying Haroun.

The Sudanese government has been claiming that Kushayb was in custody for allegations of violations he committed in Darfur. Then the Justice ministry banned publication on Darfur war crimes proceedings. As it turned out later Kushayb was released and some even doubted he was in detention. Even before he was sacked the former Sudanese justice minister insisted that the militia leader was not freed.

The reality is that the Sudanese government does not recognize crimes committed in Darfur. Chances are that Khartoum will never conduct genuine national proceedings. For Sudan, justice is a matter of politics and fooling the world so they can evade prosecutions. This is all that it is. It should be of no surprise that a prominent and a very well known legal expert close to the government harshly criticized the handling of Darfur war crimes by Khartoum. He told a number of people privately that he presented a set of recommendations upon the request of the government and they threw it into the garbage can.

It must also be noted that the Arab League plan appears to be premature since the ICC judges have not issued a decision yet. Should they reject the ICC’s prosecutor’s application Sudan will most definitely throw the war crimes issue behind its back.

I think it is time that Sudanese people consider another candidate to replace Al-Bashir. If it his destiny to face the ICC so be it. Sudan cannot be paying the price for the horrendous policies of the National Congress Party (NCP) throughout its 19 long years in power. It is under the NCP’s watch that the atrocities in Darfur against Sudanese citizens occured. If Al-Bashir had any respect for human lives he would have resigned by now. However power is far more of a concern to the NCP than the dignity and well being of its people.

* The author is Sudan Tribune journalist. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • abdelgadir Alim
    abdelgadir Alim

    Why Arab League plan to freeze Sudan president indictment will fail
    Small claims
    we have an old Sudanese saying say :which means the dog barking will not stop the camel progress as it does
    not pay attention to its barking or actions at all !!!!!.
    This reminds me of the Okambo of ICC accusations to the Sudanese
    President Omar Albashir it is like the dog barking ,high in sound, but will
    never stop Sudan ligament rite in development and progress.
    -Our enemies does not know much about Sudanese people ,their traditions ,
    their behavior in case of hardships, their determination to severly
    punish who ever dare to generally insult them. When you selectively and
    falsely accuse the top man who represents the state sovereignty with
    genocide on political basis, and without legal grounds.
    Okambo`s mistake is that he only accuses one personwhile political leadership appear in its general face to be
    collective resposibilty.Specially, when it deals with African tribal conflicts
    “it is desertification that leads to resources shortages” according to the
    latest UN valuation about Darfur conflict and NOT by any means genocidal
    crimes based on racial or color bar motivations. We say it is farmers/herders
    cofilcts over diminishing resources ended up with armed tribal clashes
    at least this how it is started and this its original correct name.

    Others can label it with what ever names they like ,but not to force us
    to accept their labeling in the name of International Law.
    That is why we feel the selection is intentionally designed for Sudanese
    people humiliation and not for a government that assume responsibility
    for reconciliation of tribal conflicts .
    We are people of precious qualities that always under-estimated by others,
    we love justice and equality and do not accept oppression or arrogance.

    Mean time ignoring conflict other factors, like parties who supply out
    laws millets with modern sophisticated weapons,politcal assistance ,safe
    shelter, financial support, and intensive media backing that keeps the problem
    unsolved and keep Sudan Government and its PEOPLE under constant
    pressure, is a second reason for us to suspect the basis of the ICC
    accusations .
    As a matter of fact we have to ask ourselves a question !!
    Who is this Okambo ?????
    Who is behind him ???
    Do we know any information about his personal back ground !!!!!
    Has he sound personal reputation ????
    who passed information to the press.
    Later the employee received financial compensation through Swiss
    court ruling after he took the case to the International Labour Orgaznization.
    The news paper also reported that a number of ICC employees resigned
    because of bad treament of Akambo to them.
    Persons like this,are usually weak and shaken to the extent that any party
    can easly balck male them and dictae what ever they wish to do !!!
    Is a person with doutfull and suspected conduct is trust worthy to accuse
    an Honest elected President with serious crimes of honor and values ?????
    Again,we suspect the motivations of Okambo and the parties behind him
    if any !!!!
    then they will start playing with the remaing list names to shake Sudan
    stability ,CPA agreement ,unity goverment ,Abyie confilct,Darfur
    peace deal,issue UN resolutions,create borders clashes ,and un countable
    problems from every corner of no where.
    The final goal is Sudan falling into pieces and be ready to be easly
    divided and swolled up.

    We assure here again , that our enemies do not CARE about Darfur human
    sufferings, their urgent need for stability, or their necessity for normal
    life rather than continuing with their wicked undisclosed Agenda towards
    Sudan people to steel their rich natural resources.

    Hope that some of what they call themselves Darfur rebels can be able
    to understand this simple & obvious fact, and negoiate for compesation
    for those who lost life and property instead of distroying their regional
    infra-strucure.It is high time for us to start useful negotiations to reach
    perminant and peaceful settlement.

    We confidently beleive,that Sudanese people are deeply aware of what is
    going around and will surprise all with the un-expected :
    political reconciliations ,all over stability, taking care of our own affairs
    capable of solving problems without others poking of noses ,able to defend
    borders from introdurs,control internal security , continue building with
    infra-structure projects, perform the elections in time ,exploiting natural
    resources with alternative international parties,increase oil production,
    achieving peace and stability in all Sudan partsand the region, and come
    up with Strong, Democratic, United Sudan.

    We believe ,we set the best example for our neighbors to
    follow, and are able to teach our enemies a lesson in how people defend
    their freedom and natural resources.
    Sudan opens the door for equal and fruitful international co-operation.
    Again the dog is barking and the camel is firmly walking on and on and on!!!!!!!
    It is our destiny to be like the walking camel,continue with our building up
    of our infra-sructure and progress to share the world solving out its two
    main problems Enregy crisis and Food shortage and let Okambo continue
    barking, as he is ultimatly will be weeping !!!
    abdelgadir alim -NY

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