Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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France downplays AU, Arab requests for blocking Sudan ICC indictment

July 21, 2008 (UNITED NATIONS) — The French Ambassador to the UN Jean-Maurice Ripert reiterated his country’s position that the UN Security Council (UNSC) should not interfere with the International Criminal Court (ICC) proceedings on Darfur.

France's Ambassador to the United Nations Jean-Maurice Ripert (AFP)
France’s Ambassador to the United Nations Jean-Maurice Ripert (AFP)
“The UNSC should not interfere with the due process of law in terms of letting the ICC do its work” French diplomat said.

“We remind the authorities in Khartoum that they have some obligations and commitments vis-à-vis the UNSC which repeatedly asked for their cooperation with the ICC and it is not too late for them to cooperate” he added.

The ICC’s prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo asked pre-trial judges last week to issue arrest warrants for Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir.

Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. Judges are expected to take months to study the evidence before deciding whether to order Al-Bashir’s arrest.

Ripert stressed that the ICC judges have not made a decision on prosecutor request for an arrest warrant.

The African Union today asked the UNSC to invoke article 16 of Rome Statue and suspend any indictment of Sudan’s head of state. The Arab League has not made such a request formally but condemned the move by the ICC’s prosecutor and said a plan was in the works in cooperation with AU and UN.

Asked to comment on the African and Arab bloc at the UN requests to suspend indictment, the French diplomat said he respects AU decision but scathingly dismissed any imminent decision on the matter.

“They can do whatever they wish. It is a free country. As soon as they find a country to do it we will look into it” Ripert said.

It is widely expected that China and Russia would back such a step but neither have tabled a formal resolution.

Sudan has not ratified the Rome Statue, but the UNSC invoked the provisions under the Statue that enables it to refer situations in non-State parties to the world court if it deems that it is a threat to international peace and security.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    France downplays AU, Arab requests for blocking Sudan ICC indictment
    I personal believe that ICC must proceed with their decision of arresting that criminal mr terrorist, those countries which are taking action against ICC plan are the future enemies of our nation I suggest so in my logic, this is because without beshir we can still achieve that peace process in Durfur and Sudan in general, and lets understand that finding solution to beshir like is just like bringing democracy to our country, I don’t think we should be mourning a lot about that criminal man. AU and AL must not show any concern in regard to the arrest of beshir because the type of crimes that he had committed where so huge. Keep up ICC with your plan

  • William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia
    William Dimo Deng - Melbourne - Australia

    France downplays AU, Arab requests for blocking Sudan ICC indictment

    Well: AU, France, Arab League,have no power to suspend ICC decision.

    Only dely can be asked from the UNSC, and can give 12 months, after the judges declear the arrest and warrant of Omar H Al-Bashir.

    The AU option is clear now. What is Arab League Opiton that Ameer Mousa took to khartoum?? Not clear, and it is asecret of Arab, tactics of genocide.

    AU, Failed politicaly, and Arab now secceed to dely the arrest, becuase of the Failuer of African, and the way of rule in Sudan can help Omar Al-Bashir to remaint in power.

    USA,EU will uesd veto agains AU, AL the request of dely, and Omar Al-Bashir will be arrested and charged.

    We are regret of the silence of the SPLA/M and Darfurian people who can not push forward ICC, USA, EU to keep in their opinion agains Omar Al-Bashir Arrest.

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