Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

RSF seize control of Sudanese army base in East Darfur

RSF fighters inside the Sudanese army command in El-Daein on November 2023

November 21, 2023 (EL DAEIN) – The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) declared the successful takeover of command at the 20th Infantry Division of the Sudanese Army in East Darfur State, marking the fourth military base in the Darfur region now under the control of paramilitary forces.

Speaking from within the headquarters of the 20th Infantry Division, Brigadier General Hassan Saleh Nahar, commander of the RSF in the East Darfur sector, stated that their forces had seized the base at 4:00 AM on Tuesday, along with all its equipment and supplies.

A spokesperson for the Rapid Support Forces issued a statement asserting that their recent victories over the army “usher in a true peace that the Sudanese people aspire to, contributing to the establishment of a homeland deserving of their aspirations.”

He emphasized that East Darfur State would remain safe under the protection of the RSF following the expulsion of the “Burhan forces,” which he accused of igniting strife and wars in the country.

Journalist Abu Bakr al-Sandali from El Daein told Sudan Tribune that calm returned to the town after the RSF took control of the command of the 20th Infantry Division, located outside the city.

He highlighted efforts made by civil administrations, the Chamber of Commerce, and youth leaders to secure the market, neighbourhoods, and government facilities.

Al-Sandali also reported that Sudanese army warplanes had bombed several positions near the 20th Infantry Division Command. He further stated that the remaining army forces in East Darfur had headed eastwards without specifying their ultimate destination.

With the RSF’s control of El Daein, they have successfully captured four out of five states in the Darfur region. The Sudanese army still maintains its command in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state.

