Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The Government of Sudan opts to execute Darfur Prisoners of War

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

July 29, 2008 — Arabic Television Channels reported today Tuesday 29th July 2008 that a court in Khartoum has passed death sentences on eight members of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) who were prisoners of war (POWs) captured by the Government of Sudan (GOS) security forces in the aftermath of the 10th May 2008 Operation Long Arm (The Battle of Omdurman).

Though shocking, but not surprising given the previous conduct of the National Islamic Front (NIF)/National Congress Party (NCP) regime’s record of abuse of power and poor human rights registry. The people of Sudan vividly recall the execution of more than 30 army officers in the Holy Month of Ramadan in and buried them in mass graves which to date the families of the victims never had a clue where were the bodies of their loved ones. This genocidal regime has lost morality in its quest for remaining in power at all costs. The element in the NIF/NCP regime have not yet learned from the recent past where a plethora of tyrants and dictators around the globe vanished and sunk into the history waste bin whilst nobody shed any tears.

No justice is expected from the regime’s Kangaroo Courts that are presided over by corrupt inept hirelings. Execution of Prisoners of War (POWs) is a breach of the International Law and considered an act of assassination and another murder in cold blood by a notorious blood thirsty NIF/NCP regime.

The people of Darfur who have suffered hardship, displacement, refugee status, ethnic cleansing and genocide six years on consider the courts established by Marshal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir who bears criminal responsibility in relation to 10 counts: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder, are null and void. The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo since July 14th 2008 has been seeking an arrest warrant for Al-Bashir. This has been a very big victory for the victims of Darfur and all other regions of Sudan!

In the circumstances, it is incumbent upon the International Community, the Rights Activists, Human Rights Organisations such as Amnesty International, Amnesty International USA and peace loving humanitarians to campaign for the release of the Eight Prisoners Of War (POWs) by putting pressure on the Government of Sudan which only understands and gives in under a threat or other hostile action as retribution.

The Khartoum regime is required to assume responsibility for the safety of prisoners of war who were tried in its Kangaroo Courts.

The people of Darfur send a stark warning to the elements in the National Congress Party (NCP) regime that they will become legitimate targets if those Prisoners Of War (POWs) are harmed. Will the Khartoum regime listen to the voice of reason even for a moment? That is a “sixty-four-dollar question”!

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is the Deputy Chairman of the General Congress for Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). He can be reached at [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Gatdelha

    The Government of Sudan opts to execute Darfur Prisoners of War

    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman

    We, in the southern region are not happy with the killing that is taking place right now in Darfur region! As an African of Sudan, I regard my brothers in Drafur as the true African brothers.

    Having said that,I would like to ask you some very important questions(please don’t be offended):

    We had been fighting Arab regimes in the northern Sudan, nearly for more than two decades, where were you by then?? what prevented you from joining us? and what was going through your minds,specially, when seeing our kids and elderly being butchered by the sudanese army that Darfuri people make up to about 1/4 of it??

    I used to be very angry to you guys, because you were longing to make us lose the war as you were helping northerners, who told you lies that Southern Sudanese are fighting because they don’t like Islam, as repeated by al- basir during his last fake visit to Darfur region, or because you simply think that you share the same faith(Islam) the North, while in the South we claim you to be our people because we believe we share the same ethinicity, African culture and the same colour skin(Africansim) as we are all black Africans of Sudan.

    I was nearly in tears when I saw Sudan TV showing the dead bodies of the couragous fighters of JEM of Darfur on the streets of their satanic city, and I wish I was the president of Southern Sudan, by then, so that I can state or declare war against those criminals in Khartoum to help JEM to get rid of al.basir!

    Brother Dr.Mahmoud A. Suleiman, we are the majority in Sudan, if we joint efforts, if we are united as black Africans of Sudan or the land of blacks, we can get our right and become the boss of ourselves.

    When I asked the above questions, of where you were during our fight with Northern REGIMES, I didn’t mean that I hate you and thus leave your people to suffer, but I was just trying to remind you that one hand can’t clap, we failled becuase we were one hand, you will fail too because you will be one hand, but we can succeed if we joint our one hands to become two hands, so, let think unity, if we want to liberate ourselves from those devils, who are being backed by their Arab brothers in the Arab world, don’t let them fool you with their reglion that is aimed to divide us, we in the southern region, don’t hate muslims,so, don’t be scared of us, we can find a common ground other than religon, Africanism!

    Shame on al.bashir to excute those JEM fighters that they captured duing the fight, where is the humanity al.bashir were talking about in Darfur if he is going to excute those? it will be good for him to know that we, the people of Southern Sudan are with our brothers in Darfur,those SPLM leaders that are ruling south Sudan right now, may be too weak to state their frank support to JEM, but time is coming when all the Africans of Sudan will joint hands and eradicate the satanic Arabs of Sudan,to go back to their desert in al-jaziera al arbia, days of Arab in Sudan are just numbers!! Long live the unity of African Sudanese!!

    Raminraan, UK

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