Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

France urges Sudan to cooperate with ICC

July 30, 2008 (PARIS) — French government said yesterday Sudan has to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) with regard to the arrest warrants issued against two Sudanese suspects for crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Sudanese foreign minister who was in Paris last week, said that French officials submitted written proposals to his government on how to find an exist from the indictment of al-Bashir

How ever, Eric Chevalier, the spokesperson of the French foreign ministry said today no French-British written proposals had been made.

Chevalier however stressed that Darfur issue had been discussed with the Sudanese minister Deng Alor. He further recalled the position of the European Union urging Sudan to cooperate with the ICC on two arrest warrants issued against Ahmed Harun, a Sudanese state minister and Ali Kushayb, a militia leader.

He further added “France noted the various proposals raised in recent days on the Darfur crisis as a whole, including the Arab League.”



  • Omer

    France urges Sudan to cooperate with ICC
    This is a very dangerous precedent that France would ask a non signatory to cooperate with the ICC. This not only insults the pride of the Sudanese people but also signifies the very apparrent neo imperialsim that is still very present.

    Even if there is such a clause present in the Rome Statue, this does not allow for countries to recognize INDEPENDENT bodies to try citizens.

    Maybe France should it self hand over all its officials that for-saw the nuclear tests in Pacific that desimated the indeginous populations that once lived in those islands.

  • Gabriel Akot
    Gabriel Akot

    France urges Sudan to cooperate with ICC
    Dear Omer, I am very sorry about you Arabs because you have taken lives of Darfur Poeple for granted and that is why you don.t even care about the sepects who were caputured during Uduorman attack not be sentence to death by your foolish Umer Al Bashire But his time will still come for him to die even if ICC will not get him
    Chirong Son

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