Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan

August 6, 2008 (JUBA) — A global food crisis has taken its toll in Sudan’s semi-autonomous south with 12 people dying from hunger in the past week as prices soar and deliveries are hampered by heavy rains, a local official said on Wednesday.

The south is rich in natural resources, but after decades of civil war it relies heavily on imported food from neighbouring east African countries, so rising food and fuel prices globally have hit the region hard.

“In Gogrial East alone, it is reported that 12 people have died of hunger in the last week ” said Kuot Deng Kuot, a member of parliament for the area.

He said government efforts to deliver food had been stalled by heavy rains and floods that had cut roads.

“The problem we are facing is that roads become impassable and airlifting of food is expensive” Kuot said.

The north-south Sudan war claimed 2 million lives and drove more than 4 million from their homes.

A landmark 2005 peace deal shared wealth and power and enshrined democratic transformation in Africa’s largest country. The south also has a right to vote on secession in 2011 under the deal.

But Southern Agriculture Minister Samson Kwaje said the food crisis could threaten the peace deal if not checked.

“While the soaring food prices are worldwide, fragile states and vulnerable populations like ours who purchase food daily from an unorganised market face greater risk of starvation and poverty,” Kwaje said.

He told parliament that food prices in the south had risen by 11 percent between February and June.

A U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) official in the south, George Okech, said south Sudan was affected because it was importing large quantities of food from east Africa where prices have already increased.

He said the FAO had launched a project to support farmers in the south.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan
    What a burning article, how can our people starve in South while Kiir is sending an amount of USA $ 20,000 to each of his children who are living abroad, this is absolutely stupid for us to be proud of our leaders while we are under corrupters who knows a lot about themselves, this cruel and inexperienced policy being practice in South must be crook down, we can’t be proud while our people are starving in South, my point now to dinkas who are proud of kiir as their hero. How comes that you’re the first to starve before those of Equatorians who are left like animals in free farm where LRA and dinkas are loitering on their environment throughout the day,, my advice is whether you’re from Upper Nile, Equatoria and jumble/jungle or jonglei whatever you, should be aware that this nation of South has not been under a right person like how Garang was planning, it is now being ran by hyenas and lions who are just after their own stomach and future like now scholarships which were announced last time for South Africa, USA and etc were all taken by dinkas none of Nuer or Equatorians, therefore this is a real time of opening our eyes and understand where are you suppose to stand otherwise someone will take over and you remain unrecognized like man being chased out by a camel. Shame on Goss for leaving people to die while millions are kept and some are being send abroad to feed with idiotic children, but God is great with the blood of those had die as result of starvation.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan
    Heart breaking.

    This situation is very incredable and urge all guys who are there to be monitering one another. Majority of the people are working there, how come somebody may starves whilst one is eating day and night?.

    Big challange that needs quicks solution.

    Be bless.

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan
    Exactly what is Mr George Oketch of the UNFAO Doing?

    I understand their office is still in Emergency Phase? After Two Years?

    Is This correct?

    How many Fruit Tree Projects have they started? Fruit Trees will survive Floods and Droughts and will ensure some minimal degree of food security.

    Unless I am wrong, Trees for Food are the way forward?

  • Majur Manyang
    Majur Manyang

    Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan
    my deep condolance to the families of those who had died of hunger may almighty God rest them in peace.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan
    Food first, we eat in order to live and not live in order to eat. We can not depend on food dropped from the sky by world food program as was “MANNA” given to the Israelites. The war is over we must get to work to feed our population.
    Put the oil money to good use built good permanent roads to connect all the states and counties.The ministry of Roads,transportation and Bridges should not be there by name they must work collect money from motorist as a levy to improve the road and transportation means. We need farmers and farmer that can use mechanized farming besides the small scale peasants.The GOSS must make sure there is food security. It is very shameful if we hear people dying of hunger if we can actually become the bread basket for Africa. We should not depend on our brothers from East Africa. Wake up” KAMATA JEMBE UHENDE SAMBA” Remember that song!! cheers

  • Axan

    Hunger kills 12 people in South Sudan

    Whether it’s Mr. logic and his groups’ abomination of Dinka, or your stance you people who support the current CDRS runing the SPLM… you together with your leaders have failed the people of Southern Sudan. Hmm! peolpe dying of hunger, and ministers are talking about protecting CPA? Well, what if your CPA collapse anyway? who are you going to run to for protection? Is it not the people you are neglecting anow? And if it weren’t they who fought hard during the war, will you be able to enjoy the fruit of the so-called CPA that has become the best word said even by uneducated crooks who may failed abcd… exams. This news is heartbreaking… and this time, I agree with Mr. logic that the GOSS is being ran by hyenas Period!

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