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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress

By Philip Thon Aleu

August 7, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Government of Jonglei State told visiting British diplomat from the UK Embassy in Sudan on Thursday that South Sudan development is hammered by poor roads network.

British diplomat David Lelliett, who comes to assess security and other social development in the State, becomes the first British diplomat to visit Jonglei Capital since peace returned in 2005 to Sudan. Mr. lelliett was received by Governor, state Ministers, Speaker of Legislative Assembly and other higher ranking officials, who altogether held an hour meeting at the Council of Ministers.

Tabling challenges the State government is going through as requested by David lelliett, the Governor Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk says there are numerous difficulties but made harder by poor roads. Others include poor health centres, congested schools and complete lack of electricity. The State (for example), he says, needs 1,600 miles long roads but only has 200 miles (from Juba to Ayod).

The State government acknowledged foreign assistance to the semi-autonomous Southern Sudan but held Government of Southern Sudan responsible for not investing in roads development. Disarmament, law enforcement, medication, supervision of educational activities and accessibility of people by various governments are generally impossible without communication, Jonglei leaders claim.

“If I were government of Southern Sudan, I will channel all the foreign assistances into roads,” Governor Gen. Kuol said.

On his side, the British diplomat promised to forward the given concerns to his government and the European Union. Jonglei Speaker however, does not care the out come. “We have been receiving visiting diplomats seeking to know our problems but we don’t see any change,” Hon. Jonglei Boyoris said.

Governor Kuol Manyang, in a show of commitment and determination, told Mr. Lelliett that all these challenges are within reach and Jonglei government will over come many as done in the past couples of months. Despite all plans to accelerate development and restoration of peace in Southern Sudan, rainy seasons halt works in many regions; Jonglei hit the worse.

Only four Counties of Bor, Twice East, Duk and Ayod are accessible by roads in Jonglei State.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress
    So funny to hear Koul complaining with his brother Kiir, it is your spirit of dinkas that you love money but forgetting development even environment in which you need to deposit with your waste has not been improve how crazy is this, do you think you and Kiir has any different meanwhile you from them same egg, it is so funny to see that everyone is revealing a secret of leadership in South. Are you other friend to Riek? Well in other process you are, but I strongly says that none of you will make South a better place for all except your dinkas just to cause problems due to their un civilized characters.

  • Kony Alieth David
    Kony Alieth David

    Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress
    Thank you mr logic, i should not blame you about dinkas becuase you are were born in refugee camp and grow up using chaa-nga local brewery prepapre by your mother. You are still not inform about the world, on how to socialist with other communities.Mr Kuol And Kiir are leaders for those of you who does think on development.

    I advise you, better to be silience becuase you are at wrong pass. take your beer and just sleep.

  • doot

    Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress
    Lack of access to good road network is a major constraint in south sudan and particularly jonglei state development which is experiencing the rapid change in term microscropic development . However, there are thousands of mouths crying for food to eat and welfare being because they are not accessible to trnasport network service . Indeed , it is a time to begin working on scale of preference, by giving the high priority to the most wanted items rather to engage in non productive items like debating on land bill in order to expand the state capital to certain parameter. It is important to stress transport srevice rather than road development because road development will just come into being after qualify for trnsport service becasue when we talk of road development we definitely talk about number of car users on the road but we are excluding those with out cars. I strongly believe in providing the transport service to pave way forward to road development which on the other will allievate poverty.

    Then poverty reduction will goes together with good road development that is connected to both industrial and non industrial area across the nation and along the neighborhood borders.the fact to emphasis on the road development as said , ‘if i were the goverment of south sudan i would have channelled the foreign assistance to road develoment” that is to remote far from the realities why because , the issue now in south sudan is not road connectivity nor quality of road development , the issue is that, the goverment of have never created the system that will create the space and place to develop the road transport , i donot mean that there are no places or space in south sudan where road can pass.However, the goverment of south sudan is not working on interest of their citizens rather than block the interest of hers citizens by holding non stop signature of the the CPA which i believd to have been signed in the last three years. CPA is not as the same as development or patriotism , it is responsibility and committement of all sudanese people with livelyhood except the dead but some deads have contributed positively . Therefore, their potential spirit work among the live. I believe if the goverment of south sudan allow the younger generation to take the national responsibilities for their better future , there will be rapid change that will be realised drastically what i meaned is to allow the younger generation to participate fully in national responsiblities because this generation have advantage than the last genreation because of the civilisation , gobalisation and education have given them an advantage over the previous generation and they can manage their national affairs in which ever the best way.I think it is not too difficult to believe in that.

    Meanwhile, I would rather to finger point the state speaker Joydy boris by using the bad langauge during their talk with Bristish diplomat,the language used in this case is not so attractive to visitors , bad language is not so improtant at the moment because it may block the on coming visitors to state. if the highest enchelon of goverment donot cared about the promised then who gonna care for them , patient is what i think is truly important at the moment the same way the goverment of jonglei alway promise hers citizens but they donot become impatient about the promises. Promises are usually both the short and long term patient . They donot work on pressure nor bad language but they require a very fine nature for them to come true. what next in jonglei if the potential to develop the road failed to connect the road down counties ? i think there should be a need to discover the potential areas to develop the state.jonglei state is one of richest state in the southern part of country because of its richness in water, nile water is the powerful tool that can foster the development in the region if the goverment can discover how importantly is the water. the state can development mainly by converting this water in to hydroelectricity which can be in domestic purpose and along the irrigation scheme but because goverment care less about uses of this water there is no way to prosper. another potential area to develop jonglei is cattles . there is need for the goverment to focuse mainly on cattles issue in the state. jonglei is the leading state in term of cattle rearing ,however , they need for the goverment to discover that cattle can several serve in both domestic and international purposes is less. cattle can serve in the following ways. IT can be used in production of beef. it is can be used in production of along life milk package. it can be used in production of leather shoes. it can be used as in tourism industries because state cattles are rather unique than other cattle worldwide so in this case they cattles could serve as source of tourist point. third potential area is discovering of beautiful bird along the nile bank and savanaland of the region . there is need to discover that , just by applying scientific method like observing the type of birds that are habiting the both at and long the nile waters.i believe that birds like squil, crow, ken, a wet and other species of birds are common in jonglei to serves as tourist site of attraction. fourth potential area is the large and fertile soil which is core of living for the region and its people .agriculture is the backone that can help any nation in the world to prosper particularly the nations which are rich in agricutural fertility. jonglei state is well known for its richness in loam soil which is best for agricutural practise however , because that farming system is not revolutionised people couldnot beleive that they can produces to their best. agricutural product serve both domestic and international need and can cut down the poverty rate in the region. fifth potential area is oil . oil has been known to have been discovered in jonglei state early in 1953 after the british final oil exploration in sudan (gordon , 1953). this was just three years before the country gained its independent from british. to get extract this oil in jonglei state it does not need the foreign aggression like western nation and eastern nation to extract it howver it nees a decison from the goverment to open college to train the citizens in order to be stakeholders of the oils because rely on western and eastern man power will not bring any change rather than damage the livehood of the people and they are not to be trusted whichever they do. jonglei state has beautiful landscape lying across the earth horizon closely to the east ,if watch at morning sun rising from to east to west , you will discover that the beam light shine strikening into the house send very beautiful feeling however, this sense can attract million of people to settle there and build their live. nevertheless, these how people can appreciate the beauty of the land. sixth potential area is cultural heritage and customs.

    In general term my argument aim at highlighting the ponteial areas that can help our state to prosper.It is also aim at discouraging the use of bad language when expressing our opinion. It is aim at not to hold CPA signature as the way to rule south sudan rather than create system that will rule south sudan. Furthermore , is aim at to empower younger generation to take over the national responsibilities. finally, my argument is aim at handling any visitor on goverment mission in appropriate way and not intervene into the state affairs.

  • Luala

    Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress
    Dear Doggie,

    That is job well done Doggie, I strongly believed could be the only way for us to teach ourselves on public speaking. I have been badly sick of the words carelessly written on this youth forum page.
    If at all the objective is to educate one another, why then write wrong names for this imperative interaction.

    Hearing development in southern Sudan nurses back to health the wounds in my heart because I almost suffered through out my life time 1987-2005 as a child. What
    Governor Kuol is doing is kind of ray of hope on this part of the world we are living in.

    Whatever thing good like that should be appreciated or any other thing that might be bad
    Anyway, we have right to shout from the roof top. Keep on brother, you inspired me to write.


  • Majak-da

    Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress
    Good words from Jonglei governor.

    Unless the sleeping gov’t of GoSS copy from Jonglei, the future is still unclear.

  • Gatdelha

    Jonglei tells British diplomat that roads hinder South Sudan progress
    Well,I believe Brit might have asked him about where the oil share of southern Sudan goes!! I wonder what could be the answer corrupt GoSS official!

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