Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president appoints head of Abyei Administration

August 8, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — President Omer al-Bashir issued a presidential decree appointing Arop Mayak Mony Toc as Chief of Abyei Administration flanked by Rahama Abdel Rahman Al-Nour as a deputy.

The presidential decree requests the Chief Administrator and his Deputy to present their recommendations within two weeks regarding the appointment of the seven members of the Executive Council, and the twenty members of Abyei Area Council.

The row over the definition of Abyei border stalled the implementation of a protocol specific to the area since three years. But the two peace partners reached on June 8 a roadmap to implement the protocol and to end their difference over the conclusions of Abyei Boundary Commission.

In accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the head of the administration is named by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and his deputy should comes the National Congress Party (NCP). Both ought to be from Abyei natives.

The two local officials are expected to be sworn in next week.

The appointment of the chief administrator had to intervene earlier last July but delayed to allow the SPLM to determine its choice.

The candidacy of the SPLM administrator in the disputed area, Edward Lino, for the post was fiercely opposed by Dinka Ngok traditional leaders; also the NCP was not in favour of his appointment accusing him of instigation the local hostilities in the area.

The disputed area witnessed fierce fighting last May between the southern and northern armies. Around 50000 people were displaced and 89 killed.

In accordance with the roadmap, the two armies are withdrawn from the area and a 700 stronghold joint force is deployed in Abyei besides joint police units.

Now all the conditions are met to allow the return of the displaced population.

Last week the two parties filed the names of the arbitrators to the International Arbitration Court in The Hague, a body chosen by the parties to settle their difference over the finding of the ABC.

The NCP and the SPLM already filed the terms of reference for the arbitration, to resolve the dispute over Abyei to the court with all the procedural details as it had been agreed between the parties in Juba last June.

The appointment of the Abyei administration top officials comes hours before the arrival of the U.S. envoy to Sudan, Richard Williamson, to the country. Williamson angrily left Sudan in June because he said he had failed to bring the southerners and northerners closer to an agreement on Abyei.



  • Kiir

    BREAKING NEWS: Sudanese president appoints head of Abyei Administration
    kicking ncp in ass make them to listen and disregards thier igornace for while now you know it’s works please keep the heat on in high end spla oyeeeee

  • Deng Arop Mading
    Deng Arop Mading

    BREAKING NEWS: Sudanese president appoints head of Abyei Administration
    Congratulation mr. Arop for your appointment, it time that Abyei shall harvest the fruit that they community has been longing for. wish you good luck in you administration. take caurage.


  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    BREAKING NEWS: Sudanese president appoints head of Abyei Administration

    That was the really situationon the ground we need the IDPS to return to their various place in the region I give thans to Mr president for his appointment but this is just for political campany ***** soon Bashir will devert

  • David Khot
    David Khot

    BREAKING NEWS: Sudanese president appoints head of Abyei Administration
    Congratulation Mr. Arop for being appointed as Abyei Administrator, I think you know better the long suffering of people in Abyei than other South Sudanese citizens or people that learn the extreme suffering of Abyei’s people in the media.

    Mr. Arop, I would like to assure you that don’t take the title of administrator as given, you are given these privileges to formulate and improve the life of people in Abyei. Thought you might have strong voice before appointed as an administrator of Abyei; to talk about the situation in the areas when you are South Sudanese member to challenge why the Abyei have no Administrator for three years since CPA was signed by between the NCP and SPLM in 2005.

    Mr. Arop, we have seen the devastating conflict that has took the lives and destroy the properties of Abyei residence in the last two months between the Sudanese forces and SPLM. Mr. Arop, you are there to act as Administrator not to instigate the fighting or revoke the rights of Abyei’s people, but to protect the Abyei residence so that they can resettlement in their homes and established their lives like other Sudanese citizens.

    Mr. Arop, don’t embrace Mr. Beshir because he has appointed you as an administrator in Abyei and become voiceless about the life of ordinary citizens of Abyei. You are given these opportunities not to defence your position, but to provide the system of government that bring peace among the residence of Abyei in order to further the development in the areas.

    Eventually, we all know that you have hard work to do for the people of Abyei and God will bless you if you don’t ignore their rights whenever you face the challenges in your administration.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Sudanese president appoints head of Abyei Administration
    Arop, the ball is at your side and it is now your turn, Please deny your self in whatever may be behind. Remember one thing, birds of the same feathers flock together,look how Moses broguht Israelist out of Egypt, never change your shoes since you know where you came from and where you belong.
    May God give you wisedom.

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