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Sudan Tribune

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AU Panel pledges inclusive approach for peace in Sudan

HLP-Sudan Chair Mohamed Chambas

HLP-Sudan Chair Mohamed Chambas

February 23, 2024 (ADDIS ABABA)  – The newly established AU High-Level Panel on Sudan declared its commitment to achieving sustainable peace in the conflict-torn nation, emphasizing inclusivity and adherence to the AU Roadmap for the Resolution of the Crisis in Sudan.

During a meeting with the Expanded Mechanism for the Resolution of the Sudan Crisis, the Panel, led by AU High Representative for Silencing the Guns Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, stressed its dedication to engaging all relevant stakeholders, including Sudanese civilians, military actors, and regional partners.

“Our work will be guided by the AU Roadmap and the principle of inclusivity, ensuring all Sudanese voices are heard and represented,” Dr. Chambas emphasized. “We are committed to working collaboratively with all partners and stakeholders to achieve lasting peace.”

The meeting, held on February 20th, saw representatives from the African Union Commission, IGAD, UN, League of Arab States, and various international and regional actors express their support for the Panel’s efforts. Participants highlighted the urgency of ending the violence and establishing an inclusive political process to determine the country’s future.

“The continuing conflict in Sudan is causing immense suffering and destabilizing the region,” stated a representative from the European Union. “We urge all parties to work with the Panel and prioritize a ceasefire and an inclusive political dialogue.”

Discussions also highlighted the need for coordinated action among various mediation initiatives, ensuring unified efforts towards peace. The Panel, reaffirming its commitment to transparency and collaboration, announced upcoming consultative visits to key stakeholders, including regional partners.

As Sudan grapples with ongoing conflict and humanitarian crises, the AU High-Level Panel’s commitment to inclusivity and adherence to the established roadmap offers a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution. The international community’s support and coordinated efforts will be crucial in facilitating dialogue, achieving a ceasefire, and ultimately securing sustainable peace for the Sudanese people.
