Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Darfur UNAMID issue harsh condemnation of Sudanese authorities

August 26, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The United Nations – African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) issued a strongly worded statement condemning the “excessive force” used by Sudanese authorities against residents of the Kalma refugee camp in South Darfur yesterday.

General Martin Luther Agwai, Force Commander of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) speaks at the Mission's headquarters on the outskirts of el-Fasher town, North Darfur (AFP)
General Martin Luther Agwai, Force Commander of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) speaks at the Mission’s headquarters on the outskirts of el-Fasher town, North Darfur (AFP)
“UNAMID strongly condemns the excessive, disproportionate use of lethal force by the GoS security forces against civilians, which violated their human rights and resulted in unacceptable casualties” the mission said in an unusually harsh statement today.

Scores of people were killed on Monday and many more injured when hundreds of Sudanese soldiers and security officers entered Kalma camp early yesterday morning and opened fire.

The Sudanese authorities justified the raid by claiming to have received reliable intel about weapons smuggled recently into Kalma camp which is at a strategic position because of its proximity to the Nyala airport and railways.

However camp leaders who spoke to Sudan Tribune firmly denied the presence of any weapons.

Sudanese security officials said that they were fired upon first prompting their response.

But UNAMID hinted Khartoum’s version of the story is inaccurate.

“The UNAMID team noted that GoS Military and Police were heavily armed, while the IDP’s seemed to carry only sticks, knives, and spears” the peacekeepers said.

The statement could not confirm the exact number of casualties but suggested that it may well be higher the initial figures of 27 deaths.

“On the basis of information provided to the UNAMID team while on site, the casualty toll amounted to 64 killed and 117 wounded, of which 49 were evacuated by UNAMID to the Nyala Hospital. While 11 eleven bodies were actually seen by the team, unconfirmed reports stated a higher number of fatalities”.

Hussein Abu-Sharati, the representative of the Darfur refugees and internally displaced people in Darfur camps, told Sudan Tribune yesterday that 86 people mostly children, women and elders were killed.

Noureddine Mezni, UNAMID spokesperson told Sudan Tribune by phone that the mission attended the funerals for 33 people.

The Darfur peacekeepers also accused the government of hindering their access to the camp as well a medical team.

“The team was stopped on its way to Kalma at a GoS National Security (NS) check-point, which demanded a written authorization from the NS General Commanding. While the UNAMID team was eventually allowed to proceed, this was not the case for the accompanying medical NGO team”.

UNAMID said that they had negotiated access to the medical teams for 2 hours before they received authorization.

The mission called the attack “a clear violation of the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA)” signed two years ago in Abuja.

The UNAMID statement will likely anger the Sudanese government which has reluctantly accepted the peacekeepers last year.

Many observers said that Khartoum placed obstacles to slow down the deployment of peacekeepers through bureaucratic requirements easing objections to the composition of the force.

UN Security Council adopted resolution 1769 on July 31st which authorized a hybrid UN-AU force (UNAMID) consisting of 26,000 troops and police but so far it only has only 9,000 personnel.

International experts also say more than 300,000 were killed and 2 million have been driven from their homes by the conflict in Darfur, a region that is roughly the size of France.



  • Moe Montana
    Moe Montana

    Darfur UNAMID issue harsh condemnation of Sudanese authorities
    If the government faced fire by enemies then it has the RIGHT to maintain the peace & defend itself. Also the fact that some want to smuggle weapons into the Darfur as to destabilize the region implies that their are certain forces backing the rebels i.e. super powers. I think that there was no need to open fire, unless they were truly defending themselves, which sounds likely.

  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    Darfur UNAMID issue harsh condemnation of Sudanese authorities
    The repeat of what happened in ABEYEI!!

    If the UNAMID CANNOT PROTECT THE CIVILANS OR KEEP PEACE IN THE SUDAN,what role then do they play in sudan??????!!
    civilans,IDPS are dying under their hands!

    WHO else shall we turn to??

  • fadi

    Darfur UNAMID issue harsh condemnation of Sudanese authorities
    Ireally like to thank all peoplet that commented on this article very much but please do believe that i did not write it, i am a christian whos faith applies not to lie but i stepped on it by pure luck and i wanted to share this one in particular with all readers as o found it strange that the writter claims he is an isreali, again thank you all very, much.

  • fadi

    Darfur UNAMID issue harsh condemnation of Sudanese authorities
    Yet i know that the Sudanese Government or lets say NCP in particular with out any doubt have commited genocide far more destructable than the Rawandan genocide, but if Bashir will go to ICC he has to go with all the other people responsible in ICC amd he has to be trialed for genocide in the South Sudan during the time of war as whole villages were whiped out by the Government forces, ICC should investigate that to. Thank You

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