Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Nuba Mountains risk new conflict

August 26, 2008 (JUBA) — Sudan’s central Nuba Mountains region risks erupting into open conflict again because of a build-up of troops and weapons, analysts said on Tuesday.

The Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey research group said northern and southern forces were breaking the terms of a 2005 peace deal by taking on recruits in the politically tense but overlooked region.

The area, covered in large rocky hills, was a key battleground in Sudan’s two-decade, north-south civil war, which ended with the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

But northern and southern leaders have accused each other of obstructing critical parts of the deal and major fighting has broken out twice between the two armies in other flashpoints.

“Tensions are mounting in the (Nuba Mountains) region … development plans are overshadowed by the danger of a return to open conflict,” the report stated.

“The area is highly militarized with both parties to the conflict actively violating the CPA … by recruiting members of armed groups,” it added.

The study said the Nuba Mountains had been largely ignored while international attention focused on Darfur and other north-south clashes, like the fighting that broke out over the central oil-rich region of Abyei earlier this year.

Under the CPA, the southern army was supposed to redeploy out of the Nuba Mountains area and northern forces were supposed to reduce their numbers to pre-war levels.

But the Small Arms Survey reported the southern Sudan People’s Liberation Army had grown with 1,500 new recruits over the last six months.

The northern army has refused to let U.N. peacekeepers monitor their troop numbers in the area, said the report, adding that the Khartoum-supported Popular Defence Forces militia could now have as many as 20,000 men in the region.

The 2005 peace deal gave southerners a share in the country’s oil revenues and their own semi-autonomous government. But many in Nuba have seen little change, said one international analyst, speaking on conditions of anonymity.

“Definitely there’s trouble ahead. You just have to look at the frustration,” the analyst added.

The Nuba Mountains lie in one of Sudan’s special “transitional” areas, identified under the 2005 deal. Although currently administratively part of northern Sudan the region was promised greater autonomy under the peace deal.

Members of the many Nuba tribes, citing marginalisation by Khartoum, had joined the south during the civil war.

Southerners will have an independence referendum in 2011 but residents in the Nuba Mountains area have only been promised a vaguer “popular parliamentary consultation” on their status.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan’s Nuba Mountains risk new conflict
    I would like to take this opportunity by giving a short and specific point of view, that the Nubians people can’t think twice about this issue which is concerning their identity and in particular to which side they will be consider. One thing they need to know is review their history whether they were Africans or Arabs, this applies to current problems where Nubians are just sitting on the fence. Because this is serious case right now up to the next generation.And if we as people of Sudan are not serious about finding the truth,then the truth will be swearing and lose of lives which has nothing to do with if we’re wise enough. Infect those bloody arabs are now trying to dominate this country of Sudan.but this will never happen.Otherwise leaving a cemal to enter your room like how those Durfurians had done is just a big point of danger to yourself and your community in their environment,because gettting it back is just like asking them to kill themselves.

    However One thing I know is that Nubian had mostly intermarriage with arabs and this was the major point were those arabs even had intend to reach such areas and intend to show horns, secondly this is why they are not carrying any genocide because they knew that they have some Nubians uncles which sound absolutely negative and stupid. However in my advice I would like those Nubians to “stand on one single side” whether Africans or arabs in fact if they want to change themselves to arabs we don’t care because it’s not a big deal but we do need to know the truth before the time. Otherwise if they are arabs than its wasting of time for those SPLA to be over there protecting them as their fellow Africans, But if they have been used by arabs against their fellow Southerner and Durfurians, then its time for us to say please arabs come and finish us before you can dominate this nation. My brothers, sisters and fellow Sudanese its time to understand who you’re and where are you suppose to stand. We have people in this country of ours who believe that they are smarter than us, but this is not true the fact is if anyone has intend to abuse you on your rights please its good if he/she kills you before taking over your property and I would like to say so because we are still alive how can those arabs dominate this country of ours.Therefore “you Nubians its your chance to judge for yourselves” where to go and i warn you that don’t regret later that you have choosen a wrong side.Because following a rich man is just like renting a house without any source of income so be specific.Don’t ever leave other brainwashers to decide for you or forcing you to agree on their tricks such as gaging you/your leaders by blackmail since i know that some of you had struggled in SPLA.

    Be where you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • biarawieu

    Sudan’s Nuba Mountains risk new conflict
    good history for Nubians to remember it how the arab army defeat the Nubians of Dungulah in 652 B.C led to peace agreement called Bakt. hundred of slaves sent to Egypt each year in exchange for food and other goods and you were force to learn arabic language in order to trade with their neighbours, spread of muslim missionaries.

    i just want to remind you that how the Egyptian traders came to Kush or Sudan in 2000 B.C. Mr logic you right its their chance to choose where to go, if they want to join arab its upto them. but if they have forgot about the passed what had been done to Nubians in the centuries let them join al-bashir and they will see a smoke of fire. By Biar M Bul

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