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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan: Umma Party SG slams charges against civil forces

NUP Secretary General al-Wathiq Al-Berir sepaks on April 9, 2023

NUP Secretary General El-Wathig El-Berir speaks on April 9, 2023

April 4, 2024 (ADDIS ABABA) – Al-Wathiq Al-Berair, Secretary-General of the National Umma Party (NUP), blasted the Public Prosecution’s charges against leaders of the Civil Democratic Forces Coordination, known as “Tagadum.” He accused Islamists of manipulating the legal system to hinder efforts to end Sudan’s ongoing war.

On Wednesday, the Public Prosecution filed charges against former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, who leads Taqadum, and 17 others, including Al Berair. The accusations include undermining the constitutional system, inciting war against the state, and potentially capital offences. On Thursday, a new list included figures from the Arab Socialist Baath Party, media personalities linked to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), and additional Tagadum leaders.

Al-Barir’s statement called out the hypocrisy: “The prosecution, operating under the command of those who staged the October 2021 coup and dismantled the constitutional document, lacks legitimacy itself. They should be the ones facing charges, not those working to stop the war!”

He condemned the army for using the judiciary as a weapon against political parties and civilian forces. The charges, he argued, are a ploy to silence Tagadum’s efforts towards a peaceful resolution through negotiation.

“This is a repeat tactic,” Al-Berair continued. “Just as the Manama talks were leaked to sabotage them, Tagadum is now targeted to derail their peace efforts. The Islamists, who are orchestrating the war, are behind this.”

He criticized the prosecution’s focus on peaceful actors while neglecting fugitives from the deposed al-Bashir regime wanted by the International Criminal Court.

“These fabricated charges won’t deter Tagadum,” Al-Berair declared. “We remain committed to ending the war and restoring democratic rule. The April 15th conflict must be Sudan’s last, and military rule, which has brought ruin, must finally end.”

The NUP Secretary-General explained Tagadum’s actions: reaching out to Army and RSF commanders to initiate peace talks. He highlighted the RSF commander’s positive response, which led to a signed political declaration in Addis Ababa. This declaration outlined steps towards peace, including prisoner releases. However, he stressed that the army commander did not set a meeting time or location despite initial approval.

He concluded by reiterating Tagadum’s willingness to meet the army chief anywhere to prevent Sudan’s collapse into civil war.