Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Somali Islamists vow more attacks during Ramadan

September 1, 2008 (MOGADISHU) — An Islamist militia commander said Monday his fighters will intensify attacks against government and Ethiopian forces even during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Yusuf Mohamed Siad – allied to hardline cleric Hassan Dahir Aweys who is designated as a terrorist by the U.S. – said the fighting is “in compliance with the guidance of our prophet Mohammed.”

“We will double our attacks against the Ethiopians and their Somali government stooges even during the month of Ramadan until we root out the enemy of Allah from the country,” he told reporters in Mogadishu.

Since their movement was ousted by a joint Ethiopia-Somali forces in early 2007, Islamist militias have waged a deadly insurgency against their rivals mainly in the capital.

The hardline Islamists have rejected a U.N.-sponsored truce.

Civilians have borne the heaviest brunt of the violence and at least 6,000 have died in the past year alone, many in Mogadishu.

Somalia has lacked an effective government since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, sparking a deadly power struggle that has defied numerous bids to restore stability in the Horn of Africa nation.


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