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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

What if Salva Kiir loses or wins Sudan’s presidency

By Isaiah Abraham

September 4, 2008 — There has been political drama in relation to SPLM interest in the Sudanese Presidency in the next year General Elections, between those who want GoSS President to run against Al Bashir and others who simply think this is just a political suicide on the side of Gen. Kiir. Whatever we have been hearing and reading as conflicting statements about this sensitive political calculation, come from the above mentioned two positions within the SPLM party. Stakes and risks are really high and hence the ambiguity and confusion. The likes of Mr. Martin Majut, Dr. Luka Biong and the group belong to the last category (Gen. Kiir must not contest the Sudanese Presidency election); they aren’t saying it in white and black but that is the currency. Their fears are real. The public is also divided the same way they (leaders) are. President Kiir himself is not sure what to believe or pursue. Some Northerners unsurprisingly are celebrating Gen. Kiir interest in the Presidency because to them Southerners would not have any ‘reason to separate from the North as long as their man is in power in Khartoum’. May be they are right (._.)!

But which one is easy, realistic and achievable: the fight for New Sudan vision or Sudanese fighting for New Sudanism? You see, the idea of Sudanese fighting for New Sudan vision is a long term vision that involves a bit of political time and efforts to reach it. But the fight for New Sudan vision is a process and might not necessary bring changes as expected. Just to paraphrase it: people who want Gen. Kiir to contest next year General Election with Al Bashir are only seeking the process for new Sudan and not the actual achievement of that vision.

That means if Gen. Kiir defeats Al Bashir next year (and the probabilities are abysmal) and he becomes the next President of the Sudan, could that bring New Sudan vision to every Sudanese? I don’t think Sudan could change over night when Gen. Kiir assumes Sudanese Presidency. Why? Because when South Africans rise to South Africanism against the whites/Afrikaans, there were shared values, feelings, and visions across that land. We on the other hand in Sudan are far from the South African’s situation or becoming engrossed in Sudanese shared values, visions and missions. The East and the West as well as the South of the Sudan are worlds apart. The point is, unless everyone feels the idea of New Sudanism, the ascension of Gen. Kiir would only be that party self gratification or actualization; and as time passes, we shall find nothing really happening.

To option then is to allow the process of New Sudan vision to get its roots and soak down with time, in the hearts and minds of Sudanese without patching it. In case it becomes impossible to get it done, then everyone is free to decide on what to do with its destiny without being coerced in to something unworkable. Therefore, it’s our wish that the SPLM party leadership treads carefully here and makes no mistakes that might just dash the aspirations of the marginalized people of the Sudan. SPLM should have entrenched in Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile before heading to the unknown territories.

It is argued that if Southern President loses to Al Bashir he might remain as First Vice President and President of the Government of Southern Sudan. That is correct. But the problem is what if the SPLM goes ahead in between and lobby to amend Part 2: 97 in the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan and that of P 2.3.7 in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) about the need to separate GoNU elections from that of the GoSS’s. For now the same person shall be omnipresence (in Khartoum and Juba) as First Vice President and President of the Government of Southern Sudan. That is if he loses. The equation however changes if he beats Al Bashir.

I pray that he beats him and goes there (Khartoum). I have already prepared a party for my candidate Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhorgun as the next President of Southern Sudan. Gen. Kiir shall be in Khartoum and Southern Sudan will have its own election for the Presidency. Under Dr. Machar we shall see positive changes coming up so quickly. He will define what is to govern and eventually makes our adapted cancer (tribalism) a history. He shall make investors feel at home and even start to give directions for ministries to provide badly needed services to the people. A workaholic person like him will never rest until our people dignity and honor are restored (read corruption and mismanagement of public funds among ills). He will unite our people on the basis of skills not on the marks on our foreheads, backs, ears and mouths. Prisoners would be released and the Government shall be for everyone. Judicial issues shall not be interfered with and laws of our land shall protect everyone.

He will be accessible to everyone and his vision would be Southern Sudan belongs to Southerners. We will know where we are going and Southerners abroad shall come back home. Good governance shall be embedded in his leadership opposed bad governance and mismanagement and lack of respect for the rule of the law, as he is known to be an impeccable character as far as corruption & public office holding and trust are concerned. He will developed Kondokoro and start naming roads after Kerubino, William, Garang, Gai, Galario, Manyiel, Nyachigak, Deng Nhial, Lagu, Saturino, Mortat, Boll Kur, Francis, Daniel Chok, Koang, Arok, Boll Nyawan, Bens Kuany, D Warabek, Majier, Lokicho Ngartho, Tumbura, Aru, Ageer, Bona Mundir, Kiir, Machar, Lam, Awet, Chirer, Gutala, Awet, Baggat, Manyang, Nhial and Oyai. He will name his office manager from my village (Namurnyang) or your village if you aren’t from Naath. He will feel your pain and shall offer himself to help you even if that is so tiny for the head of our nation.

Dr. Machar will stop undeserved verbal attacks and old fashion onslaughts against Arabs in general and the National Congress Party (NCP) in particular. He will fight our case with one heart to the finish. He will bring back and develop our neglected agricultural potentials of our land. He will make his place among regional and world leaders and countries even that to of assistances and support politically and economically. He will reduce dependency on Khartoum. He could even start sensitizing the public and the world about the right of the people of Southern Sudan in the forthcoming Referendum in 2011. Gar Machar shall be on the fore front against illiteracy.

Dr. Machar will give Garang his rightful place in our history. Garang deserves more than just attending and commemorating his death. Governor Taban was trying to do something about this giant. He’s our father. Some one needs to archive his past and the government to use media to pass it to generations after us. What a tragedy from the cold hands of killers.

Dr. Machar being civil engineer himself he knows what it is to have decent housing, roads and bridges. Dr. Machar shall make SPLA a conventional army and equipped it to meet the challenges of this era. This is so because he is a planner and a visionary. Oh, how I long for that day of his inauguration! Oh, how I love the sense of humanity and humor in this gentleman. Dr. Machar has completely changed and no longer in the eyes of 1990s, even Garang took him serious. May Mr. Amum efforts to take over Khartoum be true?

But in all our lofty calculations let’s not forget the interest of other Sudanese political forces in this country. We could be planning something but they might pull a surprise that would actually jeopardize the entire meaning of politics. In addition, it’s of utmost importance for our leaders not to bank so much on the international community support other than the internal community. People at lower levels are powerful more than what could be source outside. They should not therefore settle on short terms political gains and fames. Whatever that will happen, Southern Sudan must not be returned to square one again. I wish H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir good luck in his quest for Sudanese Presidency.

*The author can be reached at [email protected]

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