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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan ruling NCP say elections delay not necessary

September 12, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan ruling National Congress Party (NCP) declared today that it does not see the need for a delay in holding the general elections scheduled for July 2009.

Ibrahim Gandour (Photo SUNA)
Ibrahim Gandour (Photo SUNA)
Dr. Ibrahim Gandour who handles the elections dossier in the NCP told the pro-government Sudanese Media Center (SMC) that they received no official notification from the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) requesting a postponement.

Last Thursday Luka Biong, the southern Minister for Presidential Affairs, told Reuters it would not be feasible to hold the elections because of heavy rains and logistical problems.

The SPLM was considering calling a meeting with the NCP to arrange a change in the date.

But Gandour said that it is up to the elections commission to make such a determination warranting the delay.

The NCP official further said that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) allows for a reschedule of elections if both parties agree before saying that his party insists on conducting them on time.

“Elections are very crucial for democratic transformation. Sudan people and its political parties are awaiting the elections” Gandour said.

Gandour also revealed that the composition of the elections commission would be announced “any day now” after the nominations was sent to the presidency.

There were disagreements between the SPLM and NCP over the people who will be sitting on the commission.

The political stage in Sudan is overshadowed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to indict Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir last July.

The ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder and accused Al-Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

Sudanese official have warned of serious repercussions if the ICC judges endorse the counts against Al-Bashir.

On Tuesday the Sudanese Justice Minister Abdel-Baset Sabdarat said that a political “tsunami” may be caused by an arrest warrant.

“Things will be done differently and it won’t be business as usual like many people think” Sabdarat cautioned.

Some observers have voiced fears that Sudan may turn into a Somalia-style scenario if case against Al-Bashir proceeds.



  • Ajang Aguer Pageer
    Ajang Aguer Pageer

    Sudan ruling NCP say elections delay not necessary
    It is ludicrous to hear the fib tellers fumbling with words when they have no way of expressing themselves.The NCP leaders should be upfront and face the Sudanese public on their ill plan regarding the election procedures since they have only one way out of their mess-using Kibaki’s formula which is the most successful means of cheating as proved by Robert Mugabe!!!But the SPLM and other political parties should ring a warning bell as early as now that the aftermath of that back door will yield different results in the case of the Sudan(Tsunami of any kind in Khartoum and not anywhere else)!!!!!

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan ruling NCP say elections delay not necessary
    I have no idea why SPLA keep talking of election but i think that they are not well prepared for the race,are we sure that Kiir will lead the entire election for the Southerner to won?,am not sure about this,what i would have to say is that if he (Kiir) is willing to achieve the election he should have been visiting the whole regions in Sudan and this will give him more chances for winning ,imagine right now he is even recoganised by the World as Vice President of Sudan due to his problems of spending the whole time in Juba rather than going to places like Durfur,Eastern Sudan,Nuba and others,who can vote for someone who is not famous,for your chance mr President Kiir please do as i have say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you will win good luck

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    Sudan ruling NCP say elections delay not necessary
    It is true people should be very careful when it come to the fixing of a date for the national programs like elections, census and referundums. We should take in to consideration some factors that can affect these activities especially in Southern Sudan, becasue we know very well that such activities can not be done well in the rainy season. This is exactly what happened during the last census. The SPLM leadership must be careful this days time so that the coming election can be conducted in dry season.

  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    Sudan ruling NCP say elections delay not necessary
    Hi Everyone,

    Elections need be held in early December: THE time when official and civilian activities are low,time of harvest and happiness,time of low rains that enables easy transportation,time preparing 4 birth of christ and blessings,time of little criminal intentions,time most countries conduct their elections,and it will allow more preparatory activities of voters,campaigns,endorsements,etc.
    please this,i feel,is an appropriate time for this activity.Icc shall have made its decision too and appropriate adjustments made.



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