Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo

By Roba Gibia

September 16, 2008 (CAIRO) – The office of southern Sudanese government (GOSS) in Cairo was attacked last week by out-law gangs to protest the deportation of about fifty suspected gang to Juba last April.

Sudanese_refugees_cairo.jpgDozens of Southern Sudanese members of Cairo gangs attempted to break the door of GOSS office and enter by force on September 7 early in the morning while the security man was praying at mosque.

Failing to enter into the office, they forcibly started destroying the sentry-box and threw it at the middle of the street which resulted in the blockade of the street and traffic jam. However, they ran away when the nearby neighbors started calling on the inside gatekeeper.

Since, last April following the deportation of around 50 men and boys to southern Sudan by the Egyptian authorities on 19 April, the GoSS Liaison Office has been receiving threats from the so-called Sudanese gangs in Cairo.

The gangs’ parents accused GoSS mission in Cairo and especially the Principal Liaison Officer for masterminding the deportation of the suspected groups to Juba, which made the office and its staff to be a liable target to these gang groups.

The forcibly repatriation doesn’t anger only these groups of lost and out-laws boys but their families and some Sudanese communities in Cairo with pretext that, most of the deportees were innocent, but the real and dangerous gangs were left intact.

The daily crimes being committed by these gangs against their own community in Cairo whether being raping or robbing or murdering were not reported to the police, simply because there is trepidation of retribution from these gangs.

The atrocities of these out law groups in great Cairo, have become part of Sudanese daily life in Egypt, and beside that one can’t bypass streets of Cairo without seeing these vicious groups.

Since the last week attempted attack against the Government of Southern Sudan symbol in Cairo, there have been lots of street talks among the Sudanese community in Cairo that the gangs were saying that they are going to burn down the GoSS Mission office.

Several Sudanese interviewed by Sudan Tribune and requested anonymity say these threats have to be taken seriously by GoSS Mission officials at this juncture, because no one knows what is going to happen next.

“Certainly Cairo gangs have sent a clear and ever strong message especially to the authorities of GoSS Liaison Office in Cairo and Government of Southern Sudan in general,” said a Sudanese who lives in Cairo.

Some others try to explain this violence by saying that they directed their anger against Southern Sudan office after April’s expulsion because they believe that the principle role of this mission is to offer them assistance, treatment, school fees and generally to resolve their societal and economic problems.

GoSS offices are attached since August 5, 2008 to the Sudanese foreign ministry and are treated like technical offices within Sudanese diplomatic missions abroad and enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities.

However they role remain limited to promote cultural relations, trade and investment; coordinate international development aid; recommend to the consular section in the Sudanese embassies to issue visas to southern Sudan visitors; and coordinate through the foreign ministry and embassies abroad the visits of GoSS delegations to the host countries.

Human Rights Watch at the time urged the Egyptian authorities to investigate the deportation. It also said that some of the deported refugees were neither gang members nor present at the clashes.

The forcibly deported Sudanese had to attend a court hearing on May 6, but the Egyptian authorities sent them to Sudan before.

The HRW added that “Some of those apparently deported to Juba are originally from southern Sudan,” but … one man had “been born in Khartoum, in northern Sudan, and another man whose family had fled to Khartoum when he was 2 years old.”



  • mayom mabuong
    mayom mabuong

    Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo
    They are Southerners who were born in Khartoum, all behaviors of our siblings who were originally here in southern bushes are not qualified to do those vandalized things.

    Khartoum has really demolished our kids
    thru the difficulties posted on them by dire situation there.

    mayom maboung

  • madesio ukel
    madesio ukel

    Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo
    Hey guys of Arab,how do you know those were from south sudan? it announced that they were sudanese gang.
    Be frank like man nonsense are not good, otherwise those in GoSS office in[cario] were not muslim all there must be christain in that office if not what you report is untrue, that mean a you are guys from lying family.

  • Mabor Adut Mayor
    Mabor Adut Mayor

    Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo
    Hi: my desr mayom you are right and i have seconded your sttement.Those who were born and grow in Khartoum and who did not exprience bush life do take discision of six months child old. So the are bribe by Arabs ,if not the are beggers they have to be brought home first for orientation inorder for them to be introduce to southern sudan life stile.

  • Allaman Ikoilaman
    Allaman Ikoilaman

    Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo
    Hey all,

    The issue of these confused young sudanese in Cairo, is a politicised sort of a move. Our laision Office in Cairo Maadi, is left helpless and unable to solve the issue of the lostboys and outlaws due to limited powers granted to its jurisdiction.

    We the students who were brought here to study, since last year, are the prime targets of these blocks. When we were given holidays last June/July, the Office rented appartments for students. These gangs, could come in a big number to our houses, deployed themselves around, well armed with knives, pangas and sharp pointed metals,name them, in order to threaten any student who may fall a victim to their bound if that student tries to refuse to give his possesions to them. We are all the time in collision with them especially during sundays after prayers. They just go to Churches where students pray, so as to rob them.

    In fact our life here is at risk espicially during holidays as the Goss Ministry of Education, pays a deaf ear to our plea on the issue of holidays. Few well to do students, went to Sudan for vacation, while a big number of students remained including girls, who are even engaged in dubious games with any body here in Cairo including the very gangs. Is a pity, I can’t go a head.

    Think about that.


  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo

    MY dear Government of southern sudan,we have had more than enough comprehensive reports and aricles about the atrocious activities of southern sudanese GANGS in cairo. how much evidence and reports that would prompt the action against these boys?? till the office is burned down? do you mind and care for the life of all southern sudanese regardless of where they are?other countries are very much concerned with the life of their citizens who are in other countries.what is wrong with ours?
    the issue of these gangs is not simple and should not be taken lightly, thanks to the writer and reporter who devote his time and energy to spotlight the issue.
    the boys can come to your house and rape your wife infront of you, armed with swords and knives.
    surely,justice needs be done if we don’t value impunity.
    Now they are targeting university students brought to egypt for studies despite daily harassment, robbery and beatings making students feel insecure and wishing to leave studies.recently scores of students have been robbed and injured seriously.
    these boys must be taken[deported] to various states in southern sudan where it would be difficult or rather impossible for them to even think or do such activities.
    we need not to foster criminal society ,we need helpful and useful youth in our society who are responsible citizens.
    the GOSS image infront of egyptian authorities has been tarnished by the actrocious activities of these boys.epyptian police are very well aware of these gangs but they only need order by GOSS to apprehend and prevent further formation of these antisocial groups.they[police] canot take action because they being directed by NCP embassies IN Cairo not to apprehend them.
    hence,action need be taken.there is no any important and relevant work that GOSS consulate in egypt should do apart from dealing with this issue to solution.
    To discuss with UNHCR in cairo,egyptian police authorities,and NCP embassies in egypt to agree and deliberate upon these gangs who are daily seen on streets in groups of ten or more.
    we are now the government and not the rebels and uncouthed creatures.
    GOSS MIssion in egypt should stop slumbering and taking NCP form of pretence and down playing things of matter of life and death!



  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    Sudanese gangs attack GoSS Mission in Cairo
    the school administration remain helpless as the Gangs are appearing stronger and confident.
    Help! we neeed help!

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