Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

John Garang Institute opens in half

By Philip Thon Aleu

September 15, 2008 (BOR TOWN) — John Garang de Mabior Institute of Science and Technology in Bor opens Monday but lectures could not start as scheduled, an official said today.

Dean of Students David Malual Wuor told Sudan Tribune on Monday at the Institute that lecturers from the affiliated European university; the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), have not arrived in time due to some misunderstanding.

The misunderstanding he says, rest entirely on the act of establishment signed by GoSS president on July 23 that does not indicate John Garang Institute as branch of ULIM.

An oil company ASCOM built the Institute finances it and caters for lecturers salary in an agreement with Jonglei state authorities.

However, the students of the Institute are very eager to have lectures on time so that they get introduce to long awaited university lessons that they have never experience since the start of their academicals periods.

On the other hand, the dean remains optimistic that lessons begin next week. “We have been communicating with them (ULIM officials) and they promised to come (to Bor) before September 25,” he said.

John Garang Institute admitted 97 students for degree courses in July after completion of a six months bridging course. Other six students unsuccessfully passed and pending admission conditioned to supplementary exams this month.

The Institute is in memory of SPLM former leader John Garang de Mabior who was a born from Bor. President of GoSS endorsed an Act of Establishment in July as proposed by Jonglei authorities.

On the other hand, Government of Jonglei State signed an agreement on January 22 that made the Institute a private branch of ULIM. This, is believe, to be the cause of misunderstanding between ULIM and government as questions respite who will own the Institute government or ULIM?

Dr. John Garang Institute is the only independent institution in the semi-autonomous Southern Sudan to award degrees established after the signing of Compressive Peace Agreement (CPA) three years ago.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    John Garang Institute opens in half
    Good move education is the key to success, Goss need to spent some money on education system not consuming while sending some abroad to feed with his kids.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    John Garang Institute opens in half
    A big institution in the name a great leader like John Garang institute or Unversity should be owned by the government. It can be supported by who ever is willing to do so , but it should be owned by the GOSS.

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