Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese army repels RSF’s attack on Babanusa military base

Command of the Infantry forces at the Division 22 of the Sudanese Army in Babanusa

May 27, 2024 (BABANUSA) – The Sudanese army successfully thwarted another assault by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on the 22nd Infantry Division headquarters in Babanusa, West Kordofan State, dealing a significant blow to the RSF’s personnel and equipment.

Since January, the RSF has persistently targeted the 22nd Infantry Division headquarters, yet the army’s unwavering defence has consistently thwarted their attempts.

RSF forces advanced towards the 89th infantry brigade headquarters adjacent to the army division headquarters Sunday but were repelled, with significant casualties, including several field commanders.

Footage released by Sudanese Armed Forces platforms reveals a substantial number of RSF casualties from their attack on the army headquarters in West Kordofan.

An army captain stationed at the 22nd Infantry Division’s frontline confirmed to Sudan Tribune the RSF’s latest attacks and their heavy losses. He vowed to eliminate any groups planning further assaults on their base in Babanusa, emphasizing the army’s unwavering commitment to defending the city.

Highlighting the unity among Misseriya tribesmen within the armed forces, the captain drew parallels with their past service in the south, pledging their readiness to fight for Sudan anywhere as part of the armed forces.

The attack on Babanusa coincided with a stark divide within the Misseriya tribe, the second-largest ethnic group from which RSF soldiers and officers hail. In December, tribal paramount chief Mukhtar Babu Nimir and other leaders cautioned the RSF leadership against violating Sudan’s borders and destroying oil installations if they attempted to assault and capture the main army headquarters in West Kordofan.

The military spokesman unequivocally denied any shortages of military equipment, particularly ammunition, underscoring the Air Force’s ongoing success in airdropping food supplies and essential items.