Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan elected to chair Group of 77 at UN

By Daniel Van Oudenaren

September 26, 2008 (NEW YORK) — Sudan scored a diplomatic victory at the United Nations today when African nations in the Group of 77 coalition of developing countries handed it the 2009 chairmanship of the organization, which includes most of the countries of the “global South” as well as China.

Logo of the G77
Logo of the G77
The Group of 77 is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing states in the United Nations and aims to articulate and promote the collective economic interests and enhance the joint negotiating capacity of its member states during negotiations at the United Nations.

At the group’s ministerial meeting on Friday evening in New York, on the sidelines of the current meetings of the UN General Assembly in New York, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon congratulated the Sudanese Vice-President and head of Sudan delegation to the current General Assembly’s session, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, on winning the confidence of the group.

Sudan was elected in part because it was an African nation’s turn to lead the group, providing Sudan with an opportunity to push its candidacy in the midst of a wider diplomatic offensive at the UN to stall the International Criminal Court’s indictment of Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir. This step was regarded as a new accomplishment of Sudanese diplomacy.

After the election process, Taha addressed the meeting, expressing Sudan’s thanks to the member states of the Group of 77 for their confidence.

The meeting was attended by a number of ministers of the group, who expressed their confidence on Sudan’s capability to assume the leadership of the group.

As chair of the Group of 77, Sudan will lead on economic issues, international trade negotiations, issues of the Millennium Development Goals initiative, climate change, poverty, the international food shortage, and preparations for the Summit of the South Countries.



  • Timdor

    Sudan elected to chair Group of 77 at UN
    Ha ha ha ha,this is just a joke by electing Taha,the leader of the terrorists as chairman of G 77.Does it mean that UN is threatened by Al Bashit?

    “It is said that one bird destroys the surface of water”,it’s also applies to Taha.These members are going to be spoiled by him and they will not achieve their goals.

    Shame on those who had elected Taha and to hell with your new position Mr.Taha!

    By Timdor

  • Wunashuei

    Sudan elected to chair Group of 77 at UN
    What a hell is this, do these nations all run mad or they just committing suicidal thought. How come Sudan be elected to chair the 77 members group, when it fail to govern only one state?
    I would like to ask Mr. Ban ki-Moon
    to tell me what are the criteria fr selection to the chair. Does it mean that this chair can be won if you kill your own people, was it not you (Ban ki Moon) who visit Dafur refugee camp and almost shocking on what you have seen there? How come the failed state be given the chair of 76 legitimate states, I am completely fell very disappointed and from now, I will call the so-called UN as a terrorist organization who is encouraging the genocide in the world. Sudan has failed to solve her own problem leave alone the world.

    I would like to know who are those 76 countries b’se Sudan is one. These 77 nations can be removing from UN body otherwise the image of Unite nation will be turn down.

    The African union refused Sudan the chair twice due to its failed government in Khartoum, does this so-called 77 Group not hear of that news?

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