Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Protecting civilians in Sudan: A critical imperative

Francis Nazario

Francis G. Nazario

The protection of civilians in conflict zones is a fundamental tenet of international humanitarian law and human rights. In Sudan, a country plagued by devastating internal strife and widespread violence, the safeguarding of civilians has become a pressing concern. The ongoing conflict has resulted in massive displacement, human rights abuses, and humanitarian crises. It is imperative for the international community, and all relevant stakeholders to prioritize the protection of civilians to prevent further suffering and ensure the return of a sustainable peace. Failure to act decisively and swiftly could lead to more violence, displacement, and loss of life. Concerted efforts by all the stakeholders (United Nations, African Union, Arab league, and IGAD) must be made to ensure to act in a more coordinated manner for the safety and security of civilians in Sudan.

The conflict has made already severe impacts on civilians, particularly women and children who are often the most vulnerable in times of crisis. The use of indiscriminate violence, including aerial bombardments, ground attacks, and the targeting of civilian populations, has resulted in widespread casualties and displacement. Civilians have been subjected to arbitrary detention, sexual violence, forced displacement, and other grave violations of their rights. The lack of access to basic services such as healthcare, education, and clean water has further exacerbated the suffering of the civilian population. The protracted nature of the conflicts in Sudan has also hindered development and economic growth, perpetuating cycles of poverty and instability. Displaced populations face food insecurity, malnutrition, and limited access to livelihood opportunities, exacerbating their vulnerability. The presence of armed groups and militias further compounds the challenges faced by civilians, as they are often caught in the crossfire and subjected to human rights abuses by multiple actors.


Challenges in protecting civilians

 Despite the legal obligations to protect civilians in armed conflict, there are numerous challenges to effectively implementing these protections in Sudan. The lack of accountability for human rights violations and impunity for perpetrators has perpetuated a culture of violence and abuse. The proliferation of arms and the fragmentation of armed groups have made it difficult to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights standards. The limited access of humanitarian organizations to conflict-affected areas due to security concerns and other impediments has hindered the delivery of life-saving assistance to civilians in need. The politicization of aid and restrictions on humanitarian access by the government have further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis. In addition, to the ongoing conflicts has impeded efforts to protect civilians and promote efforts for a lasting peace.

The situation is compounded by the presence of armed militias and groups that operate with impunity, targeting civilians and perpetrating heinous acts of violence. The absence of a functioning government capable of providing security and protection to its citizens has left civilians at the mercy of armed groups and criminal elements. Without external intervention, the situation is likely to deteriorate further, leading to a full-blown humanitarian crisis. Given the gravity of the situation in Sudan, it is incumbent upon the international community to intervene and provide protection to civilians at risk. The United Nations, regional organizations, and individual countries must work together to ensure the safety and security of vulnerable populations in Sudan. Diplomatic efforts should be intensified to pressure all parties involved in the conflict to respect international humanitarian law and cease all hostilities against civilians.

Humanitarian aid agencies should be granted unimpeded access to deliver life-saving assistance to those in need. This includes providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to displaced populations. The international community must also support efforts to strengthen the rule of law and promote accountability for human rights violations committed in Sudan. Perpetrators of atrocities must be held accountable for their actions to prevent further abuses. If immediate action is not taken to protect civilians in Sudan, the situation is likely to escalate into a full-blown humanitarian disaster. Mass displacement, widespread hunger, and increased violence could result in a catastrophic loss of life and untold suffering for the population. The international community cannot afford to stand idly by while innocent civilians bear the brunt of conflict and violence. By protecting civilians in Sudan, the international community can help prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and save countless lives. It is crucial that all stakeholders work together to address the root causes of the conflict, promote dialogue and reconciliation, and ensure that civilians are shielded from harm. The time to act is now before it is too late

The role of international community

The international community plays a crucial role in supporting efforts to protect civilians in Sudan. Diplomatic pressure, targeted sanctions, and engagement with all parties to the conflict are essential tools for promoting respect for international humanitarian law and human rights. The United Nations and regional organizations such as the African Union have a responsibility to monitor and report on human rights abuses, facilitate dialogue between conflicting parties, and support peacebuilding initiatives. Humanitarian organizations play a vital role in providing assistance to conflict-affected populations and advocating for the protection of civilians. They must be granted unfettered access to deliver aid and monitor human rights violations to ensure that civilians are protected from harm. Donor countries should increase their support for humanitarian operations in Sudan to address the urgent needs of vulnerable populations and strengthen resilience in conflict-affected communities.

In conclusion, the protection of civilians in Sudan is a critical imperative that requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders. The international community must exercise significant pressure on both warring parties to allow unhindered access for the humanitarian agencies and protect civilians. The international community must uphold its obligations to prevent and mitigate human rights abuses, hold perpetrators accountable, and support peacebuilding efforts. The Sudanese government must prioritize the protection of civilians, facilitate humanitarian access, and work towards sustainable peace. By addressing the root causes of conflict, promoting respect for international humanitarian law, and ensuring the safety and well-being of civilians, we can pave the way for a more peaceful and prosperous future for all Sudanese people.




Dr. Francis G. Nazario, Independent consultant, Doctor of Political Science from University of Paris – Nanterre (France).2004., former ambassador, and former United Nations official. Can be reached through e-mail: [email protected]