Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur civil society, tribal leaders discuss peace and reconciliation

October 8, 2008 (NYALA) – Darfur civil society and tribal leaders met Wednesday at the Nyala University Center for Peace and Development Studies for consultations to voice their opinions and views to achieve sustainable peace and reconciliation in the troubled region of western Sudan .

Facilitated by the Darfur – Darfur Dialogue and Consultation (DDDC), an autonomous and non-politicized process owned by Darfurians, more than 45 Nyala civil society and tribal leaders discussed a wide range of topics to identify common ground issues during day one of the two-day consultation.

In collaboration with the University Center for Peace and Development Studies in Nyala and El Fasher and in coordination with the United Nations – African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) Civil Affairs Department, the DDDC is facilitating consultations with specific stakeholders, including women, youth, and internally displaced persons (IDPs), in other areas of North and South Darfur throughout October.

By facilitating a broad and inclusive consultation process, the DDDC is helping Darfurians discuss and find solutions to the root causes of the conflict in Darfur. Working closely with its partners and stakeholders, the process will feed Darfurian views learned during today’s consultations, and those conducted in the future, into the Darfur peace process.

According to the Declaration of Principles of July 2005 and the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) of May 2006, the DDDC is perceived as mechanism to secure popular support to the peace process.

However, the rebel Justice and Equality which is opposed to the DPA, this process should only be implemented once a comprehensive peace agreement is signed by all the warring parties.

“This DDDC can only be held in a healthy environment following the end of hostilities and violence because it means to give the ownership of the peace agreement to all the people of Darfur including the different, political, tribal and social forces but not in this acrobatic way,” said JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam in a statement to Sudan Tribune earlier this year.


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