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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese columnist says insiders provided Intel to ICC prosecutor

October 9, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – A pro-government columnists accused some parties inside Sudan of disseminating sensitive information to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) used in his case against president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

Kamal Hassan Bakheit (Al-Rayaam)
Kamal Hassan Bakheit (Al-Rayaam)
“The government must uncover the loopholes from which information was leaked used by Ocampo in his evidence” Kamal Hassan Bakheit editor in chief of the daily Al-Rayaam said.

Bakheit, who is also Al-Bashir’s nephew, said that different agencies within the government are aware that there are loopholes.

In mid-July the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo announced that he is seeking an arrest warrant for Al-Bashir.

The ICC’s prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. It was only last week that judges have started reviewing the case in a process that could possibly drag on to next year.

Last month the ICC released a 113-page heavily redacted version of the application containing detailed information on incidents committed during the five year conflict in Darfur.

Khartoum has said that the ICC’s investigation is lacking because it was not conducted inside Darfur. However Ocampo said that security situation on the ground does not enable him to protect witnesses in Darfur.

The ICC prosecutor said he screened 600 potential witnesses in 18 countries out of which only a 100 were identified to provide testimonies. This is in addition to report provided by the UN Commission of Inquiry and other sources.

The Al-Rayaam editor in chief urged the government to crackdown on the insiders who disseminate information to The Hague based court.

“What has happened from them [insiders] is national treason requiring severe punishment” Bakheit said.

“The government got us used to dealing carelessly with people who play roles against the country….In these cases of treason the country is targeted first” he added.

This editorial in Al-Rayaam is the first subtle acknowledgment by a pro-government figure that information contained in Al-Bashir’s arrest warrant may be correct.

The Sudanese president told British Channel 4 News from Khartoum today that the ICC sources of information are “hostile”.

“These allegations are not correct. Everything is fabricated and made up. Anything saying that we ordered killing people is untrue. The sources used by the ICC prosecutor are all hostile; they are from the rebels who revolted against the state” he said.

International experts also say more than 300,000 were killed and 2 million have been driven from their homes by the conflict in Darfur, a region that is roughly the size of France.



  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudanese columnist says insiders provided Intel to ICC prosecutor
    Calm down Mr Bakheit!

    “saying truth hurts badly” so Mr Bakheit and his cousin has just began to act in a way that show they are admitting wrong doings.

    Sudanese people and the people of the whole world know that Al Bashir is the president, Commander-in chief of NIF Armed forces and its Janjuweed militia ally which are killing Furs and he personally hold the responsibility of what his forces are doing from killing to rape.

    Mr Bakheit if your cousin Al Bashir is not responsible for Darfur and South Sudan attrocities then why don’t he order the arrest of his NIF Defence, Interior ministers, Janjuweed leaders, NIF security chief and bring them to justice because the forces under their command are killing citizens?

    Who can you convince in this world that Mig 29 Jet Fighters, Antinopes and Helicopter gunships can take-off from Khartoum to South Sudan and Darfur loaded with bombs and come back unloaded without a knowledge from president who is also a commander-in chief?

    Ocampo has got two serious information against Al Bashir from Al Bashir himself. And these information are: 1. Al Bashir in his own tongue and words said “his men killed only ten thousand men, women and children in Darfur”

    2. In front of Media cameras and satellites, Al Bashir said “No prisoners of war! No wounded persons! No living thing left behind! Al Bashir said those killer words when he was delivering a farewel speech to NIF forces who were leaving to Darfur for a killing mission he himself ordered.

    The tow information mentioned above were said by your cousin Mr Bakheit. Ocampo didn’t fabricate them and if you need treason charges apply in Sudan then your cousin will be the first treator and rest may follow if there are.

    Most deaths in the South and Darfur were caused by aerial bombadments.

    However, NIF leaders you have uneasy assignment to convince the world that there is a country where president and commander of his own army don’t know why soldiers under his command kill people without his approval.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Sudanese columnist says insiders provided Intel to ICC prosecutor
    IF it is true that the ICC got its evidence against Al-bashir from some elements within NCP/NIF bloody regime as alleged by Al-bashir’s newphew, then I, freedom fighter may be ready to give second look to the entire NIF/NCP, and name those insiders who leaked the evidence as patriots. I urge those patriots to act now in interest of great religion of Islam, and for the rescue of their historic party NIF/NCP by overthrowing Al-bashir and hand him over to the ICC.

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