Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Militia, rebels clashes in South Darfur

October 12 (KHARTOUM) – Khartoum backed armed militias clashed with rebels in South Darfur where killed 10 militiamen and one rebel killed in Sunday fighting.

Two rebel groups from the Sudan Liberation Army, and the United Resistance Front, were ambushed by Janjaweed militias while they travelled east of Muhajiriya, southern Darfur, said URF leader Bahar Idriss Abu Garda.

“I lost one senior commander. Ten Janjaweed were killed,” he told Reuters.

Last week the Aegis Trust reported that Janjaweed from Maalia and Rizeigat are massing outside of Muhajeriya. The rights body also said the 300-strong militia destroyed the village of Sinet, together with several smaller villages in its vicinity.


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