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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan parliament summons Minister of Legal Affairs

By James Gatdet Dak

October 13, 2008 (JUBA) – The Minister of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development in the Government of Southern Sudan, Michael Makuei Lueth, was summoned on Monday by parliament, the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) over alleged malpractices in his Ministry.

Parliament_building_in_Juba.jpgIn her presentation to the SSLA last month, the Minister of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Awut Deng Acuil blamed Minister Makuei for paying higher salaries to his legal staff, contrary to the policy of unified salary structure, and sending 22 of them for undergraduate studies abroad with full constant pay of their monthly salaries.

She also stated that some of these law students were not employed through her Ministry because their appointments were earlier rejected by the Ministry.

In response, Minister Makuei said the 22+ legal staff were appointed by the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resources Development and that it was also the SPLM’s policy to educate, as part of capacity building, those who missed education during the war of liberation.

Makuei told the parliament that he acted in accordance with his Ministry’s budget approved earlier by the Budget Sector Working Group, Council of Ministers and Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly which equated his Ministry’s salaries with that of the Judiciary of Southern Sudan (JoSS).

Minister Awut in her previous statement before SSLA argued that the budget of the Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development was not itemized but approved in lump sum without details.

Makuei appealed to the parliament to put an end to the “struggle” between his Ministry and the Ministry of Labor, Public Service and Human Resource Development.

The parliament, after making some deliberations under the chairmanship of the Right Honorable Speaker, James Wani Igga, adjourned the matter for exhaustive deliberations and resolutions tomorrow, Tuesday.



  • Dotcom

    South Sudan parliament summons Minister of Legal Affairs
    These are lame accusations against the minister of legal affairs and constitutional development because he is paying his staff based on the budget released in relation to number of employee in his minister that is not regard as corruption.Secondly his spirit of educating legal students is crucial to future stablising southern sudan legal affairs. This is major set back if we keep fighting for people motivated and investing development in their strategic plans rather than putting our eyes on the people without even one year plans in his ministry. The minister is not selfish that is why he is paying his staff to ability they are contributing to his office to produce what is desire by the southern sudan public and developing young southerners with brighter, fresh ideas potentially accomplished momentum for future of southerners to thorougly work without consultations from foreigners legal affairs.Please i am urging the parliament to leave mr. michael alone and chasing the biggest corrupters without single strategy where they are going.

    By Dotcom

  • Wunashuei

    South Sudan parliament summons Minister of Legal Affairs
    Hi Guys, I would like to jump in to this debate as the writer putted, in this sense I urge all the young writers to first of all understand the subject matter before rushing to scratch the keyboard. I read all the comments and no one has asked why do Ministry of legal affairs pay high salaries then other ministries? To my knowledge basing on the realities there is no way the ministry of legal affairs could act beyond the laws governing the budget allocation in the GOSS.

    I will merry Athieng Comments and totally disagree with Anok and Koorditngok, I think we should not put every thing along tribal line, honorable Makuei is not been viewed by many southerners who were really a true revolutionaries as a man with corruption ideologies as many of you putted. But the fact is that Southern Sudanese are now have what I called in-fighting for the GOSS top positions that is why people like Anok and Koordityool or what do u called, are talking of nepotism or tribalism when the article itself is talking of high Salaries and full monthly payment of students who were sent for studies aboard.

    The article is very clear and it was written with the very language which were claim by the above writers to be their mother tongue. So I did not see why do we rush to an-ethnic line when comes to maters of wrong doing in the GOSS ministries but not talking of a person as individual. As to Cde Awut, I do not know if u forgot what Cde. Dr. John Garang use to sing always when talking of the future of people who fought for that Brand new car you are driving now in Juba, if they are displace in our memory by Nyama-choma in home & Away then open ur eyes and read them now:

    1. People who were fighting for the freedom of this country should be upgraded to the level where they can run their own offices alone without bringing a consultations from Kenya or USA.
    2. The Education gap created by war for the period of 21 years must be filled and this will be the duty of the Government.
    3. When the light is off the new person can not be allowed to enter in to the house. We can not let any one who does not know how things were organized in side the room to enter it when light is off he/she will break the glasses put on the tea table because he/she does not know where the table was put because he/she was not a real owner of the house.

    During the war I do see Cde. Awut always working with NGOs that was so great because she was educated and I do not see why do the minister feel un happy when others are sent to further their little knowledge so that they can contribute to the development of our country in a better way, does the minister view it as a threat to her or just she want to let herself been heard of.

    My last advice to Southerners is people should look into these baseless allegation and really trace their root as we know there is mass underground campaign to eliminate or sideline the strong members of the SPLM who are always stand for the right of the people of Sudan, There is no doubt that the campaign is in a process of achieving almost half of its goal. As you can see Nhial Deng Nhial is no where to be see in this desperate time when Southerner need him most, Pagan Amum has been relieve from his ministerial post, Madam Rebecca has been tactically thrown out in a window and now, Many young and well known fighters in the movement where been removed from the army and integrated into law enforcement agencies, wildlife or civil services so that they can not be longer active in the army, living the few whom can be apprehended at any time. Even before there was something been said about Cde Kuol Manyang Jok (Kuol-kech) that he is been the highly paid Governor in GOSS.

    And now the only strong voice of the SPLM in the Government seat is now wanted to be eliminated by name of corruption. Is this not an emergency situation for Sudanese to look into it? To me I suggest that our president should look very careful because there are enemies of SPLM in SPLM coat try to fulfil their objectives of destroying the nation and the vision of New Sudan in the name of good governance.

    By Wunashuei

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