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Sudan Tribune

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Chinese envoy travels to Sudan for talks on Darfur crisis

October 18, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The Chinese special envoy to Africa Liu Guijin will arrive in Khartoum next Friday for talks with Sudanese officials on developments regarding the Darfur crisis.

Liu Guijin, China's special envoy for Darfur (Reuters)
Liu Guijin, China’s special envoy for Darfur (Reuters)
The government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) quoted unidentified officials as saying that Guijin will brief Khartoum on the outcome of visits he recently made to US and France.

The officials did not say when the Chinese envoy traveled to these two countries.

Following the Olympics the Chinese government have appeared more aloof and disengaged from Sudan despite strong economic and political ties.

Sudan is faced by a possible arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and is relying on its Chinese ally to sponsor a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution suspending such a move.

Last month the Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhai Jun delivered a letter from the Chinese President Hu Jintao to Al-Bashir.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) quoted the Chinese official as criticizing the ICC move saying it does not help efforts undertaken to resolve the Darfur crisis.

However it was reported that the letter from Jintao contained an advice for Khartoum “to deal with the ICC”.

The Chinese however promised to press European countries not to stand in the way of a UNSC resolution suspending Al-Bashir’s indictment.

However it seems unlikely at this point that any such attempt would bear fruit given Western resistance to a deferral because of credible action by Khartoum on some issues.

Some observers have pointed out that Beijing will be in a difficult position if ICC judges endorse charges against Al-Bashir which includes genocide.

Despite being a strong ally of Sudan the Chinese government may not want to appear as a defender of a war criminal particularly following its rise on the international stage.

Sudanese officials have expressed outrage after Beijing abstained rather than vote against UNSC resolution 1593 referring Darfur case to the ICC.



  • mufalme

    Chinese envoy travels to Sudan for talks on Darfur crisis
    what du chinese want to play, a fool in darfur, well china, asks urself a question, u delievering weapons for al bashir to kills Darfur, wat peace would u achieve then, dun play games with innocent, sudanese, killin them fo oil, n provide weapons, to the killers, blood suckers,im cumin to sudan n i will kick all of yuz out my country stupids monks ching chong mathorfukersss SPLA/M oyeeeeeeeeee,

  • kelvin

    Chinese envoy travels to Sudan for talks on Darfur crisis
    China has been a very good friend of Sudan for more than 50 years, helping us to develop Sudan to where it is today. China has also provide aids and have been defending Sudan from the superpowers. How can you say such bad remarks about this friendly nation of ours? Without such an reliable friend, we will be even worst off as a nation.

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