Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Western Equatoria acquires roads equipments

October 22, 2008 (YAMBIO) – Western Equatoria State Minister of Physical infrastructure and Public Utilities William J. Ngalamu, was in the Sudanese capital to purchase equipments for the feeder-road construction and maintenance in the state.

Among the equipments purchased were, grader, roller, excavator, and loader, the machineries are to be lifted to Juba on transit way to WES at the end of this month, Ngalamu said.

The equipments will be used in the ten counties of the state, to repair major roads connecting the counties and the Payams (sub-counties).

Further, the minister revealed that, “electricity installation will be completed by December 2008 to January 2009, and WES citizens should expect light in the state capital Yambio early February 2009.”

The Electricity Plant project is funded and built by the Egyptian government. However, a separate firm is to be contracted for the electrification of the long awaited electricity services.

He also stated that, “two feeder roads have been maintained in Yambio and Mundri, the Yambio to Nabiapai and Mundri-Kediba have been maintained respectively.”

The minister believes that, quality services to those locations will better soon, in the areas of sanitation and hygiene.

The Minister in his final remarks said that, “the ministry will focus and keenly now monitor and supervise the road projects in WES, to ensure efficiency and quality work.”

Poor roads to Western Equatoria are continuously hindering development to region.

The governor, Jemma Nunu Kumba, has recently pressed the donors and road construction contractors to speed the project. Speaking at the Governors’ forum in Juba earlier this month, Kumba had resolved that, joint donor and state authority shall meet regularly to iron such delays and issues, pertaining to the implementations of project signed at GOSS level.


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