Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bona Malwal warns against arrest warrant for Sudan president

October 26, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – A Sudanese official today cautioned that if the judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issue an arrest warrant for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir it will have repercussions on peace agreements.

Sudanese presidential adviser Bona Malwal
Sudanese presidential adviser Bona Malwal
The Sudanese presidential adviser Bona Malwal speaking at a forum organized by the government sponsored Sudanese media Center (SMC) said that Al-Bashir’s indictment by the ICC “has nothing to do with the law”.

“This is an unfair political decision. It is irresponsible move that tarnished the image of the international organization” he said.

In mid-July the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo announced that he is seeking an arrest warrant for Al-Bashir.

The ICC’s prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. In early October ICC judges have officially started reviewing the case in a process that could possibly drag on to next year.

Malwal said that Al-Bashir is a symbol of sovereignty so by indicting him it is targeting Sudan.

The Southern figure also said that Al-Bashir is responsible for his people and therefore “cannot order the extermination of a tribe or special group”.

“The referral by the UN Security Council (UNSC) of Darfur case to ICC came after the comprehensive peace agreement was signed…He [Al-Bashir] should have been rewarded and encouraged by the international community” he said.

Malwal was an information minister in the cabinet for president Gaa’far Nimeiri in the 70’s. He later became part of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) opposed to Al-Bashir’s rule in the 90’s.

However Malwal was in bad terms with the late leader of Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) John Garang.



  • Joes Piol
    Joes Piol

    Bona Malwal warns against arrest warrant for Sudan president
    Mr. Bona it doesn’t mean that you don’t know why the president should be indicted, but you are speaking on behaves of your employer. However there is a statement that says, those who walk in the darkness of crimes are also criminals. You are the most barbaric elements among the many in Khartoum but at this point, southerners are aware of your political a gander against south Sudan but have it in your mind that you are southerner in northern clothes. Remember that time are coming for the southern Sudanese to hit back to you and your boss in whichever ways that will be appropriate for you. Be prepared for the worst because 2011 is near were the south Sudan will take any possible actions that will be applicable to Khartoum and calyptrate like you who lost the identity for money and political ego.

    Written by Marial mach Aduotdit!

  • Mijocque

    Bona Malwal warns against arrest warrant for Sudan president
    You got a great name but yet useless I can’t blame you because it isn’t the real you but the money is doing the talking.Anyway what can your own people say? your picture even look terrible it seem as if you just been exhumed.

  • Yaak Barach
    Yaak Barach

    Bona Malwal warns against arrest warrant for Sudan president
    To hell with the traitor.. Bashir ordered his army in May to attack SPLA in Abyei resulting in death of many civilians yet Malual is saying the opposite. Bashir deserves to face justice for all the crimes he had presided over as president as well as his supporters like Bona Malual.

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