Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state assembly reopens

October 28, 2008 (Paris) — The Lakes state legislative assembly was officially reopened on Monday by Lakes state Governor Daniel Awet Akot after political strife was addressed Saturday in an SPLM party forum.

The Lakes state SPLM Caucus met Saturday and agreed to investigate allegations of corruption with public funds. A compromise deal acknowledged the reinstatement of Speaker Isaiah Alier Machinkok and recommended Gordon Maper Manyiel to chair the SPLM Caucus in the legislative assembly.

Opening the legislature on Monday, the governor appealed to Lakes state lawmakers to work hand-in-hand with others political parties and to minimize the political differences that are dividing the state.

Akot said, “those differences in politics are taking us nowhere at all. Let us come together to build a better state for justice and to advocate for the New Sudan which is full with justice and democracy.”

However, acting Speaker Marik Nanga Marik, who was inaugurated after Machinkok was driven from office in September, urged all Lakes state lawmakers to strengthen their duty to the grassroots base of their constituencies.

The political strife in Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state, is matched with other levels of violence in the state. On Sunday evening one man was shot dead in Luak-cok, northeast of Rumbek. An unknown gunman shot a youth belonging to the Baar clan.

There are still speculations for further inter-clan fights and since last week the police has been pushing hard to protect both sides from inflicting more casualties.



  • Joes Piol
    Joes Piol

    Lake is dead spiritualty but exist in body
    Lord is coming to lake state, I pray for peace and unity of this state and its people however my prayers goes invent because the unholy leadership of the state tamper with God’s ways of operations. Governor himself has stabilised himself as the master of corruptions licences to fight off his political rivals. For sure what we have today in lake state is not the SPLM/SPLA nor is it the NCP but the mixture of money inviters, those who are there not to save the public, but themselves with public money with the governor as the best example of this groups. By the way I don’t know either they are thinking about the fate of southern Sudan in two years time, we will be in the state of securing the south peacefully or at the guns points, do they cares? but can Awetdit and his corrupted administration make it again if the war may be the solution? And for matter I am delegating my humbleness to sons and daughters of lake to buy the coffins for lake because it is some steps away to disasters in the hands of Awetdit.

  • Majak-da

    Lakes state assembly reopens
    Talking about corruption and installing ousted leaders! What a contradiction! I don’t see a clear future of this state such that citizens say: Peace is coming back? Is peace coming from inter-clan wrangles? Shame on you! There is no different between a village woman and leaders of Lakes State!

  • matur majok
    matur majok

    Lakes state assembly reopens
    How much you may re-opened,that is not at all a remeedy to problems in lakes state’s assembly,unless you the Governor open your eyes and pay close attention to that rampant corruption manipulated by so-called MPs and be honest,the identification of those elements and dealing with them accordingly will enhance and provide ideal atmosphere for the community at large.or otherwise they must be voted out by their communities in the postcoming political event in 2009. by mat!

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