Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Salva Kiir heads Sudanese delegation to IGAD meeting

October 29, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The First Vice President led the Sudanese delegation to attend the summit of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD). The second VP skipped the meeting following silent crisis after weapons shipment to SPLA.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
Ali Osman Taha had to travel to Nairobi to attend the meeting but the cancelled his travel after reports that the Juba is shipping weapons to the southern Sudan army through Kenya. The minister of energy also cancelled his fly to sign oil contract with Kenya.

IGAD leaders attending a special summit on Somalia in Nairobi on Wednesday issued a five-point peace plan to be implemented by Somali leaders in order to restore normalcy to the Horn of Africa nation.

Sudan summoned the Kenyan ambassador on October 13 to protest against what it said were illegal shipments of arms to the south Sudan.

Salva Kiir Mayardit met Wednesday on the sidelines of the summit of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Nairobi with the Kenyan President, Mwai Kibaki.

Salva Kiir, who is also president of Southern Sudan, chaired a high-level delegation to the meeting.

Participants at the IGAD summit discussed the Somali issue. The summit concluded Wednesday afternoon and made a final statement in support of the Djibouti agreement signed Sunday between the Somali transitional federal government (TFG) and moderate elements of the opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia .

The Minister of State for the Foreign Ministry El-Samani El-Wasila had arrived yesterday in Nairobi and participated in meeting of the foreign ministers of IGAD.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Salva Kiir heads Sudanese delegation to IGAD meeting
    Idiots who cares if they are not willing to attent the meeting in Nariobi, because of being dolt it is always hard to understand the self determination of South within the 6 years which was signed during the CPA, ha ha ha may be they are dreaming that South will ask them to make an aproval with their codified shria law what a shame. go for your life Mr kiir pretend to be committed to the CPA. South (Juba) watch out for crimainal spies from NCP.

  • youngdinka

    Salva Kiir heads Sudanese delegation to IGAD meeting
    hahaha NCP and all of arabs in North. I know you jealous so what as SPLA shipped more weapons just like what you NCP alway do with Russia,China etc, therefore it was SPLA turn to buy weapons from thier friends. Why do you have to cry for. SPLA SPLM JUBA BOR COUNTY JONGLEI FOREVER. watch out from the old enemies but still now our enemies.

  • Saaid Nafe
    Saaid Nafe

    Salva Kiir heads Sudanese delegation to IGAD meeting
    Don’t you not understand that the Northern Sudanese only believe and trust in the Arabs League and the Islamic Conference then IGAD!Shame on you Arab Sudanese Minister of energy for cancelling your trip to Kenya to sign oil deal,don’t you know that after two years from now you will not dream of such trip.Dear Southerners and the fellow Africans, it is a high time to wakeup to follow such big issues because for a longtime southern Sudan suffer for the rest of you not to be affected with the wrong Ideology of the Arabs influence ,therefore it is your time to push them out with their bloody idiotic ideology.

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