Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bor commences construction of prison and police buildings

By Philip Thon Aleu

November 3, 2008 (BOR TOWN) — United Nations (UN) agencies, implementing construction of Jonglei police and prison stations, funded by Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and Multi-Donor Trust (MDT), have started work at the sites, Sudan Tribune can reveal.

UN, contractors, police and prison officials say the structures will be to “the world standard” and the prison will mean school of oriented citizens.

The project is part of GoSS’ Rule of Law Program which encompasses capacity building and infrastructural development in all states and co-funded by MDT. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) are the implementers as Everest Ltd and RA International merge as contractors for police headquarters and prison respectively.

UNOPS official Peter Ooko told reporters Monday at Hongnom de Mach-thii (site of constructions & 6km east of Bor Town) that, local people’s hospitality and government cooperation will speed-up the first phase – two month contractions. “We have good atmosphere here with local population than we experienced in other states,” Ooko said.

RA International, tasked to build 4 meters (tall) and 60cm (thick) wall for the prison in an area prison officer say is 1 km square, pledges for best results, dodging alleged foreign contractors’ home ousted class. “We shall try to comply with the required quality,” Henry Tabbilos, the RA International chief engineer said. Everest Ltd coordinator Levis Kimorosh, concur that conditions are fairly prefect for timely completion.

To be relieved is Prison force where inmates are kept in congeste-collapsing cells, built quite earlier before Sudan’s independence (around 1940s). Criminals have either being breaking jails or [their] health severely endangered while serving their sentence, Sgt. Arem Alier, a prison license officer said.

He added that many prisoners remain in various Counties of Jonglei state, making trails and court proceeding difficult. “This will ease our work and produce change citizens. We hall provide vocational training for inmates in order to opt for better style of maintaining living,” Alier affirmed.

Police and prison renovations and/or construction have been fronted by GoSS recently to combat rampant recycling of criminals in Southern Sudan society. Ravaged by decades of wars and isolation from Khartoum government, Bor prison fall under construction rather renovations.

From administrative buildings, government residential areas, schools and hospital, roads and basis water supply within Jonglei capital, Bor acquired a city status 3-years ago [like other Southern Sudan cities] and indeed born after GoSS took control in 2005. Prison and police constructions stations could take the first ever constructed permanent structure laid by government since January 1, 1956.

The referral prison center shall have boundary wall, general office, five guard towers and kitchen erected in two months [if conditions are constant] according to UNOPS official.



  • DOOR!

    Bor commences construction of prison and police buildings
    Thanks to Baaibor for their effort to build prison and police buildings.

    It could be used to train law bypassers and thereby making our community free from chaoes.
    God help KUOL MANYANG JUUK develop our state.

    BaaiBor oyee! Dinka oyee!


  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Bor commences construction of prison and police buildings
    Jonglei is not corrupt like many other states. Its funds goes to sites of interest. Thanks to the agencies, policy makers and policy effectors. Other states need to take an example from here.

    First reason!

    The Wiseman of Sudan.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Bor commences construction of prison and police buildings
    After they have build their prison, I would like them to come and collect their troublesome gangs in Equatoria. take them and keep them in your prison of bor or bar. IF you want to kill them or slaughter since killing is your motto we don’t care, it your people, because we are tired of talking to them, and it is useless to waste your time and words with a fool who does not understand once. Crimes are increasing from 0.5% to 25% just as the result of those gangs and dinkas in particular. And for our own sake to be safe we must not let you to roam in this state with those ugly faces and moron activities. Go and kill yourselves in your states not loitering here with aim of stealing, killing, corruptiona and all bad things. So build your prison quickly to save with your dinkas otherwise.

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