Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Dengue outbreak claims six lives in Sudan’s East Nile area

According to the UN, 80 percent of the hospitals in Sudan are out of service -Getty Images-AFP

According to the UN, 80 percent of the hospitals in Sudan are out of service -Getty Images-AFP

September 10, 2024 (KHARTOUM BAHRI) – A dengue fever outbreak in the Soba East area of Sudan’s East Nile district has claimed the lives of six people, including three children, health officials reported on Tuesday.

The East Nile Emergency Room said it had recorded 32 cases of the mosquito-borne viral infection, with the majority of cases concentrated in the neighbourhoods of Al-Shaqila, Al-Salama, and Al-Toweirab.

Symptoms of dengue fever include severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, fatigue, skin rash, low blood pressure, and difficulty breathing. The disease spreads rapidly in tropical and subtropical regions and can be fatal if not treated promptly.

This latest outbreak comes amid a severe deterioration of Sudan’s health sector, particularly in conflict zones where an estimated 80% of health facilities have ceased operations due to a lack of medicine and supplies.

The Khartoum Bahri Emergency Room, which serves the third-largest city in Khartoum State, reported 384 suspected cases of dengue fever in April.

Health officials are urging residents to take precautions against mosquito bites, such as wearing long sleeves and pants and using insect repellent. They also call for increased investment in the country’s health infrastructure to prevent future outbreaks.