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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan violates Darfur ceasefire in two days of assaults – rebels

November 15, 2008 (LONDON) – President Omer Al-Bashir’s announcement of a ceasefire on Wednesday was followed by two days of attacks on Friday and Saturday, according to rebel and UN sources.

An armoured column of JEM fighting vehicles drive to a meeting between its leader Khalil Ibrahim, and UN AU Envoys for Darfur April 14, 2008 (Reuters)
An armoured column of JEM fighting vehicles drive to a meeting between its leader Khalil Ibrahim, and UN AU Envoys for Darfur April 14, 2008 (Reuters)
The army and air forces launched multiple attacks along different stretches of a main road into Chad, which Sudanese-backed forces invaded in each of the last three dry seasons, allegedly.

Beginning on Friday morning, government Antonov planes bombed for several hours near a main road between Koribia and Um Mahareik, confirmed many rebel commanders.

In three hours of fighting beginning at noon on Saturday, Sudan’s army attacked rebels near Chad with some 150 soldiers, Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam told Sudan Tribune.

An army air force helicopter and Antonov gunship took part in the attack, which occurred in Sasa area, ‘Tyreego village, situated 15 km south of Tina, said Adam.

“JEM forces repulsed the attack and killed the leader of the assailants and his deputy, both of whom are officers,” said Adam, adding that much army equipment was also destroyed.

JEM military spokesperson, Ali Wafi, said that Friday assault was accompanied by air cover consisting of 2 Antanov bombers and 1 helicopter gunship.

He further added that the commander of Sudanese troops “with a rank of Lieutenant General was killed and so was his Deputy Commander who held a rank of Major.”

“This is yet another evidence of the real intention of the Sudanese regime which just continues business as usual: imposing security and security solutions. Indeed, Al-Bashir’s ceasefire is just a big lie and PR (Public Relations).”

Anonymous UN sources confirmed to Reuters that they had reports from reliable sources of attacks in the area of Koriba and Um Mahareik.

The omda (local chief) of Koriba and local commanders indicated that the government aircraft were apparently targeting Sudan Liberation Army fighters, according to JEM Legislative Council speaker Tahir Al-Faki.


Sudanese army spokesman Brigadier Osman Al-Agbash denied the rebel accusation of air strike operations in North Darfur, noting that the armed forces declared a ceasefire and abide by it.

However, he added that a convoy of relief trucks was robbed by bandits in the Koribia area. The robbery led the army to intervene, clashing with looters and forcing them to flee without loss of life, Al-Agbash added.

He further reiterated SAF’s commitment to the unilateral ceasefire agreement.

President Al-Bashir made his ceasefire announcement on Wednesday at the Forum of the People of Sudan, a government-initiated peace initiative attended by Sudanese politicians and foreign dignitaries, but spurned by rebel groups.


1 Comment

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan violates Darfur ceasefire in two days of assaults – rebels
    It may seems a surprise for some commentators and observers to hear rebel claims that supported by a credited independent body the UN. However,it is obivous for those who knew NIF leaders how they do their businesses, they say different things and act differently.

    I remember Ms Conda the US secretary of state, both Andrew Natsios and Williamson saying they are fed up with Khartoum regims words and no room for more words only actions are needed. Now Khartoum has and still acting violently. the question one can ask is are these actions NIF regime is taking are the ones Americans and international community want to see? Who should they consider a threat to peace in Darfur rebel groups who said Al Bashir declaration is not for ceasfire, but for war or the rigme who violets its own declaration?

    Elsewhere in the news in this website, a real surprise news came from an article quoting Egyptian goverment high ranking minister who said I quote “Egypt warns Sudan that Bashir not immune from ICC prosecution”

    Why I am trying to link these two events, it is because NIF’s actions are isolating it even from its best powerful friends locally and regionally one at a time. NIF relying on its dirty tricks are working in up-rooting itself rathar than down-rooting.

    I never imagine that Egyptian goverment position drmatically change 360 degees in a fortnight time. This is a responsible position and NIF needs to take it seriously for its own sake or no one is immune.

    As I mentioned earlier that the people in this planet are very keen to see NIF taking responsible actions, the Egyptian goverment now jumped on board and is sharing the same idea that Khartoum needs to take decissive actions that reflect human rights and international community expectations.

    NIF leaders are lucky to get this helpful tips from Egyptian minister “the Egyptian official stressed that the only way out for Sudan and its president is to take concrete and concise steps and that there is no point of taking extreme position on rejecting the ICC”

    If I were one of the NIF and thank God that I am not, I should take Egyptian new position as a ladder to get out in this ugly and dangerous situation before it is too late.

    Darfur rebels too need to unite and exercise dailogue position with Sudanese non sectairian parties especially SPLM.

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