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Sudan Tribune

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Eritrean rebels claim killing 285 government troops

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

November 16, 2008 (MEKELLE) – An Eritrean rebel group, The Red Sea Afar Democratic Organization (RSADO) claimed killing over two hundred government troops during an attack carried last week against a military training center inside the country.

The Red Sea Afar Democratic Organization (RSADO) on Sunday said that its fighters have killed at least 285 Eritrean military officers including top military leaders in what it called was the most devastating assault taken earlier this week at a military training base in the remote central Denkelliya region of Afambo local area.

The attack comes after 200 Eritrean Afar-ethnic government Militias willingly surrender to the Afar rebel group two weeks ago.

RSADO’s Executive committee member and head of information and communication ,Yasin Mohamed back from the borders to coordinate the mission and now in Mekelle town says the accomplished mission is well prepared and the most successful and the biggest attack ever attempted by any other Eritrean resistance groups.

“In an unusual attack our gallant fighters on Monday at around 8:30 local time have sneaked a big military training center based at Afambo area and bombarded a hall packed with over 450 Eritrean military officers who were celebrating the end of higher military training,” he said.

The rebel official added they also hit a truck carrying gas tanker and a generator outside which completely turned the whole area into massive fire and end up the fun and laughter into shouts, crying and dead bodies.

The Afambo military training base is the biggest training center next to Sawa, an area where tens of thousands of Eritreans from all wakes of life take mandatory military training.

The group explained the success of the attack saying it was taken along with the 200 deserted government militias who had every inside information needed to accomplish the attack.

“We have confirmed the death of at least 285 Eritrean military officers” Yasin said adding “we believe hundreds of others are also wounded or dead then after”

He also said during the occasion, Eritrean military officials who were engaged in training Ethiopian rebels for cross border attacks and also Ethiopia rebel leaders from OLF, ONLF, Tigray rebels who are based In Eritrea were invited .

“We believe Ethiopian former Derg regime’s commander, colonel Selhadin Ali, currently coordinator of cross-border attacks against Ethiopia is killed during the attack” Yasin alleged, adding “ colonel Birhanu head of the attacked military center and top military leader of Eritrean forces is also dead or seriously wounded.”

Yasin said, the sudden and massive attack taken has created frustration and resentment to Eritrean authorities, higher military officials and to Eritrean troops in general

“Eritrean president Isayas Afeworki had to postpone his scheduled visit to neighboring Sudan for at least one day after he heard the shocking news” He claimed.

The rebel RSADO is a member of the Eritrean democratic Alliance, umbrella opposition of 13 Eritrean political parties.

In a separate incident the rebel group has also destroyed a radar station in the southern Red sea zone same day same time.

“In parallel to the above raid a different force of RSADO has smashed radar stationed at the mountainous area of Ramllo area” He added.

The group said the latest attack is a big blow to Isayas -led government who repeatedly says “there are no any internal opposition groups in Eritrea “.


1 Comment

  • markitch

    Eritrean rebels claim killing 285 government troops
    That’s what happens to whom who wants it all (Afwerki) and do not care for it’s people anymore. When a leader start killing it’s own people who he was supposed to have set them free he lost sadly it’s place. And most of all when he start to persecute people who simply believe in God then he is sticking his finger in God’s eyes and what happens then?
    The most sad word in the World are: “If I only had!” If he only had not hardened his heart! And now, if he doesn’t change, he will continue reap the fruit of his own doing. Pride comes before a fall and suddenly how many more people will have to die and pay the price for it? (alias: Pride = Destruction) Is this what Africa needs: Warmongering still? This is not idealism but more a personality trait of a dark past which continue to deceive & plague whoever continue to yield to it: “that hardness and un-mercifulness is the only solution!” When will man learn? “Ever coming to the knowledge of truth” instead they have become fools and sadly butchers and oppressor of their own people. Which voice are you listening? For what will you be remembered? Afwerki, could have been remembered to have brought a deserved liberty to his own people instead he has turned into an oppressive Tyrant simply because of his yielding to cruel and hard ways to do things in his heart(This is not idealism!) how sad! How can it be stopped? Only with the opposite! It is very simple! If not tragedies and death will continue to follow.

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