Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese parliament endorses members of electoral board

November 17, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese parliament endorsed the members of an independent electoral board which is responsible for the administration, conduct and supervision of national and regional elections in the country.

A_general_view.jpgThe nine members of the Sudan Electoral Commission are nominated by the presidency and submitted to parliament for approval. Their appointment was approved by 298 votes to 12 objections.

The presidency nominated Abel Alier as Chairman of electoral board, and Abdallah Ahmed Abdallah as Deputy Chairma. The members of the commission are: Ms Fillister Baya, Ms Mahassin Haj Al-Saffi, James Bol Kajmal, Abdallah Ballah Al-Hardalou, Mohamed Taha Abu Samrah, Mukhtar Al-Asam and Al-Hadi Mohamed Ahmed Hassabou.

The members were mainly chosen by the two partners of the national unity government. Last July when the elections bill was adopted it had been agreed that the members should be nominated after large consultations with the other political parties, due to the pivotal role of the commission in the elections of next year.

The 2005 peace deal calls for elections no later than July 2009 as part of a democratic transition, but observers raise doubts about the organization of the general elections next year.

Three years after the signing of the peace accords, many laws crucial for the democratic transition are not yet reviewed. Last week the SPLM and southern Sudanese parties reminded that the following laws need to be revised before the end of current session next month: National Security Law, Press and Media Law, Code of Criminal Procedure Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Penal Code and Workers and Trade Union Act.

Also the possible indictment of the Sudanese president by the ICC judges in the coming months could lead Omer Al-Bashir to suspend the current transitional period and impose martial law in the country.

Bashir repeated his commitment to hold the elections on time, but may agree that once the arrest warrant is issued, he could do everything possible to strengthen his grasp on power. The South-South consultations last week was seen as an attempt form the SPLM to prepare its self for such probability.



  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of electoral board
    It is unlikely for elections to be free and fair when National Security Law, Press and Media Law, Code of Criminal Procedure Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Penal Code and Workers and Trade Union Act are not reformed, and particularly National Security and media laws.

    All the political parties should fight or debate for major reforms in the Khartoum parliament to get them reviewed in manner that reflect democratic interest prior to elections.

  • YihHon Alewei
    YihHon Alewei

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of electoral board
    What is it! bashir parliament support the electoral board?

    Is it a real election or something else? All the nominated people are loyal to mr bashir regime except the Bol because I never heard about him since whether he is from SPLM or a NCP! This is a blunder that bashir government do again and again!

    I don’t think whether the 2009 elections are going to be stable and fair without intimadition and bribery of leaders of some parts of the country to vote for that rogue leader again! This is pathetic!

    In democratic societies, media is a tool of communication for politicians to reach out to electorates and a tool for society to express their concerns about who they are going to vote for! If censorship is put on the media, how are people going to know what is going on around the country? All the proposed laws by the people’s party (SPLM) must be accomplish and enacted to give confident to the people.

    All the powers now are with bashir, he is the one who nominated the electoral team and is the one who is going to set laws about the coverage of the elections! No doubt about that!

    The parliament endorsement is a complete nonesense in a sense!

  • Jonglei Kuereng
    Jonglei Kuereng

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of electoral board
    The NCP of Al Bahsir used Some Southern Figures as instrument to influence the south that they try to make peace attractive. I think that nomination did not come from the bottom of their heart.

    Why they used those who were with them during the war and not one who was in the bush during the war. May be their motive is to manipulate the vote and escape from accusation. This Folk are smart but not smarter than they southerners. We count B before they count A. Enough is enough we shall be fool again.


  • Wunashuei

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of electoral board

    What a hell is this again to the Southerners. Did I hear of these nomination been done by presidency? Or my eyes saw something else? Oh God what a mess is this after the death of John Garang, we Southerners are completely unlucky indeed. Nothing good will come out one time from what is so-called presidency. If at all Kiir was among the so-called Presidency then why do all names appear to be of Islam, does the elections board need one religion? I saw no balance in this nomination thus it should not be call the presidency nomination but NCP nominations.
    The election exercise will not be free nor it will be fair under the chairmanship of Uncle Alier, uncle Alier has played part in the death of John Garang, he is not sincere and transparency because he fear to tell the people of South Sudan in particular and the Sudan in General the cause of the plane crash which cause the live of the true hero Dr. John. Alier is the a Southerner in blood but not in mind, he is also a pro NCP because of his close associate with Bona Malual. I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH FAKE PRESIDENCY NOMINATIONS,


  • William Majier
    William Majier

    Sudanese parliament endorses members of electoral board
    Can it be possible for Bashir to elect the electorate board without consultng his vice , then there is corruption and power greedyness for him .There is old business word which says, “if you do something but nobody is copying it then is of no use (useless),” so the question is any attraction from all these he is doing? it better for him to ask himself what he can do for this country than seeking what country can do for him Shame on him!!!!!! No do not take me in a wrong way my readers Bashir will again take us to the darkess side of previuos daysssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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