Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

RSF seizes journalist’s home in South Darfur

RSF fighters file photo

RSF fighters file photo

October 17, 2024 (PORT SUDAN) – The Sudanese Journalists Union condemned the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Thursday for seizing the home of a prominent journalist in Nyala, South Darfur, the latest in a string of actions targeting civilians and suppressing dissent.

Ashraf Omer Ibrahim, a correspondent for South Darfur Radio and Television and a presenter on Al-Zarqa satellite channel, was reportedly targeted because of his perceived loyalty to the army and the former ruling National Congress Party. Abdel Rahim Daglo, the deputy commander of the RSF, ordered the seizure.

“This is an outrageous attack on freedom of expression and a blatant violation of human rights,” the Union said in a statement. “The RSF is clearly intent on silencing any voices that dare to challenge their authority.”

Ibrahim is the latest victim of a campaign by the RSF to confiscate property from perceived opponents. The paramilitary force has controlled South Darfur, including its capital, Nyala, since late last year.

“Seizing homes and property from journalists and civilians is a tactic of intimidation,” the Union added. “The RSF is trying to create a climate of fear where no one feels safe to speak out.”

The Union demanded the immediate return of Ibrahim’s home and called on the international community to pressure the RSF to halt its campaign of repression.

“These violations will only lead to further chaos and suffering,” the statement warned. “It is the civilians who always pay the price for the RSF’s brutality.”

The seizure of Ibrahim’s home has sparked widespread outrage, with human rights groups and press freedom organizations joining the chorus of condemnation. They warn that the RSF’s actions are pushing Sudan further down the path of authoritarianism and jeopardizing any hopes for a peaceful resolution to the country’s ongoing conflict.