Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM-N: Sudanese army preparing offensive in South Kordofan

Abdel Aziz al-Hilu in Juba on May 4, 2024

October 23, 2024 (KAUDA) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) accused the Sudanese army on Wednesday of preparing an offensive in areas under SPLM-N control in South Kordofan.

Arno Ngutulu Lodi, First Secretary of the SPLM-N’s civilian administration, told Sudan Tribune that the army is mobilizing forces near the Karkaraiya oil station, Hajar al-Jawad, and al-Kirgil.

This claim comes days after Sudan’s Sovereign Council announced the opening of Kadugli Airport for humanitarian aid flights. The UN and aid agencies are expected to use the airport to deliver assistance to the region, which faces a severe humanitarian crisis.

Lodi dismissed the airport opening as a “smokescreen” to conceal the army’s offensive preparations and obstruct UN aid agencies. Despite the ongoing conflict, he said the agencies have successfully delivered aid to the region in recent weeks.

“The Sudanese government has reneged on its commitments and is trying to mislead regional and international opinion,” Lodi said.

He also claimed that recent airdrops in the Kadugli and Dilling areas were not humanitarian aid but rather weapons and ammunition for government forces.

Lodi accused the government of being unwilling to address the humanitarian crisis and actively obstructing aid efforts.

The rebel group reiterated its commitment to protecting humanitarian convoys in line with agreements with aid agencies.

The SPLM-N controls significant territory in South Kordofan, which it calls the “Nuba Mountains Region.” It also holds areas in the Blue Nile state, called the “New Funj Region.”