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Sudan Tribune

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Former Sudanese child soldier uses rap to deliver peace message

November 20, 2008 (NEW YORK) — Sudanese child soldier turned global hip hop star Emmanuel Jal has both embraced rap as a way to reach a global audience and distanced himself from what he says is a tendency to glorify violence.

U.S. composer Emmanuel Jal poses during a photocall for the movie
U.S. composer Emmanuel Jal poses during a photocall for the movie
Jal, who fought with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army for five years as a child and guesses he is 28 years old, tells his story in detail in the documentary “War Child,” released on DVD this month, and in a memoir and an album of the same name.

The documentary won the Audience Choice Award at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival. Jal’s memoir will be published in February by St. Martin’s Press.

In a recent interview with Reuters, Jal said that hip hop should be about demanding positive change.

“When somebody comes and says that they enjoy killing people, they don’t know what they’re talking about. The real killers, they don’t talk about killing,” Jal said.

Jal’s “War Child” album includes both biographical songs where he confesses doing “inhuman and barbaric” things and playful songs advising women not to wear their “skirts too short” and scolding U.S. rappers for using bad language.

In the song “50 Cent” he takes the U.S. rapper to task for producing a violent video game called “Bulletproof.”

For Jal, who now lives in London, music is a form of therapy that allows him to sort through feelings of guilt while serving as a role model for child victims of war.

He has set up the Gua Africa charity and is planning to build a school in Leer, his village in southern Sudan.

“I believe I have survived for a reason, to tell my story to touch lives,” Jal says in the song “War Child.”


In about 1987, his village in southern Sudan was attacked by soldiers loyal to the government and his mother was killed. He was brought into the SPLA and taught to fire an AK-47 rifle that Jal said he was barely strong enough to hold.

“I lost my childhood completely, you know, and I’ll never recover that,” said Jal, who raps in Arabic, English, Swahili, and his native Nuer language. “But through music I feel like a child again. I can sing and dance again.”

When he was about 13, Jal was discovered by Emma McCune, a British aid worker who was married to Riek Machar, a military commander who is now vice president of the semi-autonomous Southern Sudan.

McCune smuggled him into Kenya and enrolled him in school in Nairobi. Jal says McCune rescued 150 child soldiers from the fighting in southern Sudan before she died in a car crash.

In 2005, Jal released the song “Gua,” which means “peace” in Nuer, and the song became a hit in Kenya.

The same year, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and southern rebels ended the 21-year civil war that killed 2 million people and forced 4 million from their homes.

An independence referendum is expected to be held in 2011.

Introducing Jal this year at Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday celebration in London, the musician Peter Gabriel called Jal “someone with the potential of a young Bob Marley.”

Jal, who is Christian, said writing his memoir helped “deliver” him from the guilt and pain of his past. While writing the war scenes, Jal said he suffered bloody noses and violent nightmares and was tempted to give up.

He said he keeps going because he wants to make a difference, and also because he is afraid of what his mind will go through if he slows down.

“When I’m idle, that’s when my brain actually messes me up and sometimes I’m worried,” he said. “I say, what about when I’m gonna be 60? Will I be hit by my history? That’s the only fear I think about every day.”



    Former Sudanese child soldier uses rap to deliver peace message
    good boy Jal, do what you are good at.

  • Manyieldit

    Former Sudanese child soldier uses rap to deliver peace message
    Mr. Jal,

    Is good that you have known the mess up you and your uncle Riak plus your Aunts Emma (the lady behind the confusion of 1991) have did. In fact you were not an SPLA child soldier as you putted instead you were a SSIM/A ( south Sudan independent movement/Army) who was a fighting along side Arab to eliminate SPLM/A the movement of the people of Sudan not only the South as your Uncle claim it. So pliz try to world the truth but not deceiving them of been fighting with Sudan Government. The inhuman you said is what you and your fellow Nuer did in Bor and Atar as well as in Warrap state too. You skinned small children alive and slaughtered pregnant women and older people in the above areas. I think these are the things you should let the world knows about them. Mr. Jal You should compose an album of apology of you been apologizing to those innocent children and women of Bor, Ngok and Twic whom you have made to perish for no reason. I’m very bitter indeed when I read any thing praising Bustard Emma who cause us today suffering. If not because of her confusion to Dr. Riak, SPLA would have been completed the liberation of the marginalized people of Sudan set a New Sudan where all citizen are equal. So pliz if again you had chance to the interview do not mention this devil called her self Emma. ICC is waiting to finish with north first then the next will be Confused figures in the South who have committed war crime from 1991-1994.


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