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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan NCP says will stay in power longer with elections delay

November 30, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – A senior Sudanese official today accused unspecified political parties of seeking to delay elections scheduled for next year.

Nafi Ali Nafi
Nafi Ali Nafi
“They [political parties] want to postpone elections hoping they can raise the issue of a forming a broad coalition government” Sudan senior presidential adviser Nafi Ali Nafi told students at Khartoum university.

“Ingaz [ruling National Congress Party] will stay in power even if elections were delayed for a century” he added.

Yesterday a UN consultative team of experts advised the semi-autonomous southern Sudan government to postpone the next year general elections to November 2009 till the end of rainy season in order to avoid the logistical complications.

In accordance to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in January, the general elections should be held before July 2009, four year after the formation of the National Unity government in July 2005.

The elections in Sudan since its independence in January 1956 are always organized during the dry season between November and April to avoid the rainy season. The delay in the adoption of elections law or in the formation of electoral commission made it impossible to hold the elections before July.

Sudan elections Act was passed last July, while the electoral commission is appointed this week. The elections bill provides that elections should be organized 6 months after the appointment of electoral board members.

Sudanese officials have often said that the NCP is eager to hold elections on time in order to bestow legitimacy on the regime which came to power in 1989 through a bloodless coup.

But some political parties suggested that the time is not ripe for elections given a raging conflict in Western region of Darfur.

Nafi said that the NCP “is ready to compete in the elections”.

The preparations for the elections come amidst new developments after Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir was indicted last July by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The ICC judges are still reviewing the evidence before making a decision which could be forthcoming in the coming weeks.

Al-Bashir is the NCP nominee for the presidential elections though some observers said that an arrest warrant by ICC against Al-Bashir will make it difficult for him to carry out his functions as a head of state.

But Sudanese officials dismissed these talks and insisted that Al-Bashir is the only candidate for president and will not be replaced.



  • YihHon Alewei
    YihHon Alewei

    Sudan NCP says will stay in power longer with elections delay
    This is pathetic!

    All these are lame execuses for the NCP! No body rule the country for live! If elections are not held according toTHE CPA, than the protocols of the Accord are broken. People like nafi ali are to blame for all this if elections are not conducted on time with regard to the agreement between the SPLM and the NCP (2005, CPA).

    What is the motive of delaying the elections! The statement by nafi ali which says “we will stay in power even though elections are held” shows that the the members of NCP are not committed to the Accord regulations which were signed in 2005 in Nairobi Kenya.

    nafi ali and his uncle bashir are not yet satisfied with Embezzlement of the public money since their coming to power nineteen years ago. Sudan a country which have been led by mad, savage and selfish people have no longer time to wait for another two decades to have a clean politician (Leader).

    Elections are not going to make any difference anyway because of the incompetence, unskills politicians from NCP, confusing of politics and religion, but if they were agreed upon, than they should be held. Politics and religion must be separated to pave the way for democracy in the Sudan.

  • Ahmed

    Sudan NCP says will stay in power longer with elections delay
    we want to sperate from south we dont need them, its over i hope we seprate soon we want to be alone we have more power more resources more money more petrol its fact we are the much better than them we want to be alone

    God Bless the north
    God Bless al bashir

  • Hakuna Matata
    Hakuna Matata

    Sudan NCP says will stay in power longer with elections delay
    hello all

    Kim Deng

    i do not understand where you belong? are you an arabs, blackarab of junub or an african?.

    honestly, i ask that question because every comment yours bears nothing but much hatred on Dr. Garang, was it not because of that very man that south sudan is what it is now? was he not the one who brought the so called CPA that you traitors are now enjoying?.

    anyway, i not have to blame you, how could you see his great vision anyway when you are all short sighted!

    you are nothing but a reflica of the man who stabbed that great movement at the back, at the point of victory in Juba and that is Dr. Riak Machar. you and your uncle, have you not done enough by distraction SPLM’s attention and slaying thousands of civilians in the 90s? when will you guys ever do good things for your country? even when you are forgiven! please KIM DENG, grow in your head not in hieght and belly!

    to Arabs and half-cast who claimed to be tired of us (south sudan) after having looted, rapped, killed our people for 50 years, it is not you who are tired, it is us! you must not forget that, you have no legitimate land of your own in SUDAN (LAND OF THE BLACK), so pack your things and go back to where you came from…you must cross the red sea again.

    Nafi and your uncle, your time is over, you must follow your cousin Saddam.

    God will be our judge

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