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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rumbek marks World AIDS Day

By Manyang Mayom

December 1, 2008 (RUMBEK) – Thousands of Lakes state citizens turned
out in Rumbek’s Freedom Square to celebrate the World HIV/AIDS day.
This is the second year since the establishment of the state AIDS
Commission to celebrate the event in Rumbek, although it was already
celebrated under the umbrella of the United Nations during the years
of peace negotiations.

Gol Meen women group celebrate World AIDs Day in Rumbek Photo by Manyang Mayom (ST)
Gol Meen women group celebrate World AIDs Day in Rumbek Photo by Manyang Mayom (ST)
The ceremony was shared by Lakes state Political Affairs Advisor Apollo Madok Chol and Lakes state MPs, as well as folklore teams representing eight counties of Lakes state, members of organized forces and heads of different UN agencies in Rumbek.

According to the director of the HIV/AIDS Commission in Lakes state,
Paul Thok Ayok, Lakes state joins in crowning 2008 the 20th
anniversary of World AIDS Day.

World AIDs Day began in 1988 when health ministers from around the
world met and agreed on the concept of the day as an opportunity for
all of us to come together to demonstrate the importance of AIDS and
show solidarity for the cause. In 2008, this underlining principle of
solidarity and awareness remains the same. Since 1988, the face and
response to AIDS has greatly changed, often for the better, but this
anniversary offered an opportunity to highlight how much more still
needs to be done.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) representative
read out the messages of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, saying that
“on this world day, let us all pledge to be hope-givers who offer
encouragement and take action to create a future without AIDS.”

Ban’s message continued, “Recently I read about a Congolese woman
living with HIV who received medicine through the United Nations. She
is now part of a group called the ‘Hope-givers’ team, which helps
other families dealing with HIV.”

“We have to end the stigma and discrimination that still stop so many
people from learning how to prevent HIV and get treatment. And we need
resources – enough to provide services that will have a real impact in
communities and on entire nations,” said Ban’s letter.

Also marking the day, a statement by the UN High Commissioner for
Human Right said, “this year, we mark both the 20th World AIDS Day and
the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It
is fitting that during these landmark anniversaries we consider how
far we have come in the global effort to combat AIDS.”

“In 2006, UN member states made a commitment to achieve universal
access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010. Today,
fewer people are becoming infected with HIV, and fewer are dying of
AIDs – related illnesses. At the end of 2007, three million people in
low – and middle –income counties were taking anti-retroviral
treatment. But much remains to be done,” said the UN human rights

Apollo Madok appealed to the Lakes state community members to control
themselves, noting that the solution to treating HIV/AIDs is only for
one’s heart to get proper control over women, adding that the
treatment of HIV/AIDs is only to respect oneself from being involved
in random sexual activity night and day.



  • Majok junior
    Majok junior

    Rumbek marks World AIDS Day
    Thank you very much Mr,Apollo Madok the Lakes state political Affairs Advisor for the message that you have given to they communities in Lakes.However,it is also imperative that the government of Lakes has to provide enough services to the AIDS commission and to encourage them to fight against HIV/Aids by creating centres in order to teach people the importance of health sexs rather than relying on United Nations funds,people should stop random sexs and they have to uses condoms during sexual activities,am always worry because our people are ashame to use condoms,they said it’s an embarrassment between couples,which is untrue lack of civilization,condoms has to be uses to prevent wide spread of sexual transmitted diseases.By Majok Junior.

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