Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Regional leaders consult on LRA refusal to sign peace deal

By James Gatdet Dak

December 4, 2008 (JUBA) – Three regional leaders whose countries have been affected by the activities of the Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels begin to make consultative meetings after the rebel leader, Joseph Kony, refused to sign the final peace agreement with the government.

The Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan and Chief Mediator of the Uganda peace process, Riek Machar Teny, left Juba on Thursday for Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo to brief President Joseph Kabila on the status of the stalled peace process between the Ugandan government and the LRA.

According to the Chairperson of the Juba-based Uganda Peace Talks Secretariat, James Reat Gony, Machar is also expected to proceed from Kinshasa to Kampala, Uganda, to brief President Yoweri Museveni on the same issue.

The move by the Chief Mediator is an effort to seek regional consensus on what to do next in tackling the issue.

The LRA leader, Kony, failed again for the third time this week to sign the successfully concluded final peace agreement with the government.

He demanded deferment of the arrest warrants issued on him and his two other colleagues by the International Criminal Court (ICC), for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, before he could sign the peace deal.



  • Trueson of Southerner is Back
    Trueson of Southerner is Back

    Regional leaders consult on LRA refusal to sign peace deal

    Dr Machar.

    Your efford to mediate the Uganda peace intiatives has failed,thus your mission next is to brief the concern parties to make joint operation to bring Kony to book.
    Don’t bother of convincing the leaders again for talks.
    Kony has to join Bashir to ICC next few days.

    Big Logic is also indicted of tribalism and crime of poisoning peoples

  • Joes Piol
    Joes Piol

    The identical brothers in crimes fail to agree.
    The peace solution is predetermining in northern Uganda unless otherwise, the people of south Sudan and Uganda must joint hands and say no to political cover up between Dr. Riak and his identical twin brother in northern Uganda (Joseph Kony). Both Riak and Kony are wanted criminals and there is no way in this world for the criminal to bring another criminal to the peace table. Dr. Machar chose to prevent the LRA warlord indirect from ICC by blind fooling the world in the image of peace, but still Kony must face the criminal’s punishments followed by Riak. I don’t know from others point of view, but I warn people of south Sudan that Riak and his man (Kony) will one day troubled the people of south Sudan once more with their joint effort like what they did some time back when the government in Khartoum give both men weapons to kill the citizens in south Sudan and northern Uganda. They are taking this time to plans their evil attacks rather a then peace unless their meeting or what they so call Uganda peace talk should be brought to an end by both countries to avoid further wars that will cost our people millions of lives through those criminals. Riak is the calyptrate that could not be responsible to bring peace rather than betraying the people that work with him. He betrays SPLM/SPLA but fails and now wants to try his luck in Uganda once more.

    Written by

    Marial mach aduotdit mach

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