Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker

December 9, 2008 (TORIT) — The President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit has directed the reopening of Eastern Equatoria State Legislative Assembly and asked Speaker Ms. Sabina Dario Lokolong to resume her normal duties and responsibilities, because she was irregularly impeached.

Kiir_Sabina_Dario_Lokolong.jpgThe reinstatement of Lokolong comes four months after its irregular impeachment by the state parliament on August 25. A joint committee from the southern Sudan ministry of parliamentary affairs and the SPLM was despatched to investigate the incident and report to the president of southern Sudan government.

Salva Kiir met in Torit with the SPLM caucus members in Eastern Equatoria who were behind the impeachment of the speaker on Sunday December 7 and warned them against division.

The state MPs who had voted the motion against the speaker rejected last August any attempt to reinstate Lokolong. They had told the minister of parliamentarian affairs, Martin Elias Lomoro they would never accept to be led by the current speaker.

However, the speaker had the support of the minister and the SPLM southern sector who probed the dispute. They found there was no sufficient evidence against the speaker; they also said the procedure of impeachment was questionable.

Among the nine charges made against the speaker were alleged downplaying the theft of money in the Assembly, deceiving and denying MPs of their rights and allowances; she was also accused of corruption for employing her brother as driver in the state assembly.

Salva Kiir was in Torit also to attend the graduation of more than two thousand SPLA commissioned, non-commissioned officers and men at Owiny-Kibul, Eastern Equatoria State after two-month training in military science.

He called on the forces to refrain from tribalism and politics but work for the unity of Southern Sudan. Kiir directed the forces to protect wildlife and forestry in their role to defend the economy of the region.




    South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker

    Where are you? can’t you see your people(Equatorian) do not know how to rule themselves.
    Frequent impeachment is the order of the day in the parliament.
    How then can you claim to have ability of governing the South?
    Tell your people to imitate Dinka formula of ruling especially Jonglei state.
    Also when people are discussing keep silent as you learn from great mind of Dinka youngmen.

    God help Equatoria!

    By Mankind

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker
    Logic boy is expected to poor in his poor reasoning and quarelling but why has this paraite become silent. See this shallow man who intrudes in discusssing affirs of differeent areas living the issues of his state. This is what he and his likes did over the war when they left and start discussing things about Uganda when their country was in a sea of problems.

    No nody cares whether mankind is a Dinka or not but what has come out of his ugly mouth today is meaingful Let us ask for Logic boy. Their state is a pool of power wrangle, eating and poisoning.

    First reason!

    The Wiseman of Sudan.

  • J.James

    South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker
    Hi guys

    Logic is LRA defector who wants to find new nationality from south Sudan. He don’t even know what is going on in eastern Eqoatoria.

    Mr. Logic also has drinking problem according to someone who know him for ten (10) years.

    So let that loose goose continue to get lose because his time is coming to an end anyway.

    I hope he agree.

    God bless

    The writer is the north south veteran who freed Logic from arab’s slaver. Now Logic can cross Juba bridge at night.

  • Main Nyieth

    South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker
    Thomas, you should not stop people from dealing with Logic. Logic has been abusing people on this Website without a concrete reason. Logic is a bias person, he abuse Mainly Dinka people, however, we can not tolerate that act any more. If you are moderate and don’t want to get involed then you should let others express their views irrespective of your Criticism. Logic is a grown up person, therefore he has to know the feelings of others. Dinka are people, not politics, politics is politics, not Dinka. Ader, I know you more than any person because we were studying at the same High School back there in Africa. However, I am sorry to attack you, but it all about that loosing dog Logic. He does not appreciate people.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker
    Guy’s don’t shy “Logic” have right not to comment on this forum becoz this one is just an allegation but been prove innocent….z

  • enviable_boy

    South Sudan President reinstates Eastern Equatoria Speaker
    I’m a southern Sudanese, I wonder if that so call mankind is a southern Sudanese, I agree with some of the comments these colleagues put through here. i just want to let him know, if he is a real souther Sudanese, the problem of Parliamentarians is not only in Eastern Equatoria, is in the whole of southern Sudan.Last week but one was Lakes states, who knows may be next will be another state. If you are a southern Sudanese, you should know the in & out of whats happening in southern Sudan. If you are a real Southerner, and you need the best for southern Sudan, YOU WILL NOT LAUGH AT YOUR BROTHER WHEN HE HAS A PROBLEM. Show your patriotism, Encourage your fellow Southerner than to say foolish things agains each other.
    On Sunday when President Kiir was in Torit, he made it clear, we as government, we cannot go on changing people, we need to be stable.
    Lastly I really appreciate some of my fellow country men on condemng this shallow minded boy as said. And I advice the editors of Sudan Tribune, at least to pass through some of the comments.

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